WBPSC SI of Schools Application Form 2023 for recruitment of 338 posts: Willing candidates can apply online from the link given at the last of the post. Details about Downloading on WBPSC Sub Inspector of School Admit Card & Exam Date/Interview schedule is also attached below.
Download WBPSC SI of School Exam Syllabus 2023 & Pattern.
WBPSC or West Bengal Public Service Commission has issued recruitment notification for the post of Sub Inspector of school in 2023 for 338 vacancies. Candidates who are interested to apply for the Sub Inspector post in WBPSC can submit the application form online on the official website www.pscwbapplication.in. We have given here detailed information about the WBPSC School Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023 notification of West Bengal Sub Inspector of school jobs 2023. The last date for submission of application form is 6th August. So, those who are interested to apply for the sub-inspector of School West Bengal recruitment 2023, should submit the form within the last date.
WBPSC Sub Inspector of School Application Form Important Dates-
Events | Dates |
Submission of Online Application form | 17-07-23 |
Last Date for WBPSC Sub Inspector of school recruitment application form submission | 6-08-23 |
Closing date for Payment of Fee by Challan of SI posts | 7-08-23 |
Written test Admit Card/Call Letter Download Starts from | Yet to be available |
Written Test Exam Date/Interview Schedule | Coming Soon |
Download Now WBPSC Fire Operator Exam Date.
WBPSC Sub Inspector of School Recruitment 2023 Notification Eligibility Criteria & SI Admit card Download

Name of Department | West Bengal Public Service Commission |
Post Name | Sub Inspector of Schools |
Age limit | 36 years |
Salary | Rs. 9000 – 40500 |
Vacancy | 338 posts |
Seats | Will be reserved for SC ST OBC category |
Application mode | Online |
Official website | www.pscwbapplication.in |
নমস্কার বন্ধুরা আপনি কি জানেন যে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ পাবলিক সার্ভিস কমিশন একটি অভিনব বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে. যদি না জানেন তাহলে আপনি এই পোষ্ট পড়ুন. এটা আপনারই জন্য কারণ 338 টি পদের জন্য স্কুল সাব-ইন্সপেক্টর অথবা স্কুল পরিদর্শক বিজ্ঞপ্তি জারি করা হয়েছে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ পিএসসির ওয়েবসাইটে. 338 শূন্য পদের জন্য কমিশন একটি written test অথবা screening test নেবেন যার জন্য ফরম ফিলাপ করা শুরু হবে 17 জুলাই থেকে. ইচ্ছুক পরীক্ষার্থীরা 6 আগস্ট পর্যন্ত ফরম ফিলাপ করতে পারবেন. আরও বিশদ জানতে এবং এই পরীক্ষার জন্য দরকারি শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতার ব্যাপারে জানার জন্য এই পোস্টটি শেষ অব্দি পড়তে থাকুন.
WBPSC SI of School Vacancy – Application Form Link
Great opportunity for those who are willing to join the West Bengal Public Service Commission. Latest opportunity and notification for the candidates of willing to join WB PSC as SI of Schools post. on the official website of West Bengal Public Service Commission, the authority has issued one good information about notification of WB School Sub Inspector posts. the job is very prestigious and consists of 338 vacancies. refer to the eligibility criteria notification details downloading of PDF file here.
WBPSC Miscellaneous Service Result 2023.
West Bengal Public Service Commission is an important department in the state. Commission write cancel. candy who are will can online application within the last date 6th August. Submission of application form is only through online process. you must validate all the eligibility criteria yourself to know that the recruitment is the purpose of selection of proper candidates. so as a good collection of information about the recruitment. WBPSC Sub Inspector application form is available online from the date of starting inviting application form on www.wbpsconline.gov.in.
General Knowledge | Click Here |
Indian History | Click Here |
General English | Click Here |
Arithmetic | Click Here |
Reasoning | Click Here |
Indian Geography | Click Here |
More Study Materials | Click Here |
Sub Inspector of School Recruitment Eligibility Criteria
Now the most important part of the post. here we will describe the process and the eligibility criteria for submission of application form for the sub inspector of school posts. request you to confirm the WBPSC School Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023 details from the official website and notification. every candidate has to possess the minimum eligibility criteria of the post is given by the West Bengal PSC Commission. below we have detailed information about WBPSC Sub Inspector of schools eligibility criteria as well as educational qualification requirement –
Minimum Educational Qualification:
- Candidates must be graduate and the should possess a second class Honours or Master’s degree from a university. This university or college must be recognized or affiliated.
- B.Ed or a Bachelor degree in Teaching or Education from a recognized University is also necessary Eligibility Criteria for West Bengal Sub Inspector of Schools Recruitment 2023.
Language Knowledge – One must have knowledge of Bengali or Nepali as Spoken and Written purpose.
Desirable Qualifications
- If you have some teaching experience in Schools then it will be beneficial for you in the interview process.
- Having the ability to organize extra-curricular activities in schools and any other places is also an addition to the qualification.
West Bengal Sub Inspector of School Application Fee
Payment of application fee has to be submitted through online or offline method. for any application you must pay the fee with is decided by the authority. application fee has to be submitted by all the candidates who are willing to appear in the examination. but there is a catch, only those who are general and OBC candidates have to submit the application fee. SC ST candidates of West Bengal State and the physically handicapped candidates required to submit the exam fee on WBPSC Sub Inspector of school examination. The fees are stipulated below as per category –
SC & ST Category candidates of WB and PWD | Not required to pay |
Others | Rs 160. |
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What is the wbpsc sub inspector of schools age limit?
This question is in every candidate’s mind because many of the candidates are asking us what is the upper age limit of School Sub Inspector posts. the official authority has given that 36 years is the upper age limit of being eligible for the SI of schools post. However, the authority has also given that age will be calculated as on 1st January 2023.
- Upper Age Limit – 36 years.
- Age Cut Off Date – 1st January 2023.
How to fill up the online application form for West Bengal Sub Inspector of school
Well, you must know that there are several processes for the submission of application form. Now you can ask me what are the procedures to submit the application form for West Bengal School Sub Inspector job 2023. you don’t you worry about the process. We are giving you here free of cost.
Here we have given a detailed process online follow the steps carefully.
- First of all visit the official website which is www.pscwbapplication.in.
- Then click on the website link.
- After that, you will see the official homepage.
- Now you can enter into it.
- Then your job starts now.
- And submit all the details.
- Fill All the application form details like your roll number name it safe.
- After that verify the detail you have entered.
- Then, click on submit again.
- Now on the final window will come or you will have to pay the application fee depending on your category.
- Pay the fee online or offline in any method you desire.
- After that, your work is over.
- You can online apply for this form through this method.
- After that print the application form and keep it for future reference.
- Hence, keep a copy of the fee payment to your file.
- You don’t have to submit all the copies to the official website.
- This is required in the upcoming procedure like an interview or any other steps.
Download Latest WB Sub Inspector of School Recruitment Notification 2023 PDF
Download Sub Inspector of school West Bengal recruitment notification PDF. The advertisement where it is said that the official West Bengal Public Service Commission has issued some notification regarding the posts of Sub Inspector of schools. it will be available to download online via PDF format. the method to download the PDF is very much secure and easy. by referring to this method you will get all the information regarding the submission of application form along with downloading the notification advertisement PDF file.
Now we are providing you the direct link to download the PDF file. So, follow carefully the process of downloading and reading the PDF file.
WBPSC Sub Inspector of School Admit Card 2023
West Bengal Sub Inspector of school recruitment admit card will be available after the form fill up is over. right now candidates are filling up their online application form on the website of West Bengal Public Service Commission. the wbpsc school SI written exam may be conducted shortly. However, there is no WBPSC School Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023 information about the commencement of written test or exam date for the WB School SI exam 2023. even the recruitment notification advertisement has not set the proper selection process. it is expected that the interview will be conducted for the purpose of selection. if the number of applications is large then WB Public Service Commission will conduct a screening test or written exam for the purpose of shortlisting for interview.
those who have filled up their application form on the official website of West Bengal Public Service Commission are not searching when WB SI of School recruitment test interview will be conducted. we will update the download link of West Bengal PSC Sub Inspector of school recruitment exam. In case the written test is conducted then the authority will notify about the starting date of downloading wbpsc school sub-inspector admit card 2023. Also, WB Sub Inspector of School exam date and schedule of the interview will come on the official website www.pscwbapplication.in or www.pscwbonline.gov.in.
How to Download WB School SI Admit Card 2023
Step by step procedure to download wbpsc School Sub Inspector admit card is mentioned in our website jobsandhan.com. In many posts, we have given the procedure which is almost same in all the cases. Fetching wb Sub Inspector of school recruitment admit card follows the same procedure. please remember this steps which we have given here to download your individual hall ticket before the written exam date without any hassle.
- First of all, you need to visit the official portal of WB Public Service Commission which is www.pscwbapplication.in.
- After you have landed on the homepage of the official portal you will see one link titled Sub Inspector of school advertisement number.
- Click on the link mentioned on the homepage.
- After that login to the form by providing your registration or roll number and password.
- Alternatively, you may enter your date of birth and application number to go to a dashboard.
- At that login screen, you will find the upcoming exams for which admit card has been released.
- Now click on download besides the exam name which is in this case wbpsc school SI recruitment 2023.
- Thereafter your individual hall ticket will be downloaded in your hard disk of PC or mobile.
- Print the soft copy to get a hard copy so that you can take it to the exam hall.

Information available on WB Sub Inspctor of School Admit Card 2023
If you are wondering about what they call letter is and how the wbpsc school SI admit card will look like, then we have an answer for you. we have listed here some important information which the admit card will carry. The hall ticket is not only an important document to prove your candidature for the WBPSC School Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023 test, but also it provides some correct information for checking your result and help you in the forthcoming steps if you pass in the qualifying exam.
So, correctness and trustworthiness of admit card are to be verified and validated by the candidate himself. Once you get individual admit card in your hand after downloading from the official website, check the following information and verify whether these are correct or not. if there is any mistake or error in the following information, the hurry up and contact the West Bengal Public Service Commission.
- Applicants First, Middle & Last Name.
- Name of your parents.
- Date of birth.
- Examination Date.
- Reporting Time.
- Qualification.
- Schedule of the written test.
- Interview Time.
Sub Inspector of School West Bengal Exam Date 2023 & Interview Schedule
When the WB PSC Sub Inspector of schools exam will be conducted is the main concern of the applicants. Yet we cannot say what will be WB School Sub Inspector written test 2023 exam date or interview date. details of interview schedule will be notified by the authority along with name of candidates. Name wise admit card and interview schedule will also be issued on pscwb online website. so keep visiting our page to get latest updates and recent news on West Bengal Public Service Commission Sub Inspector of school recruitment 2023. we will keep you updated regarding the releasing of admit card and exam information.
বন্ধুরা আপনারা হয়তো ইতিমধ্যেই জেনে গেছেন যে কমিশন এখনো পশ্চিমবঙ্গ স্কুল পরিদর্শকের পরীক্ষার তারিখ উল্লেখ করেনি. পরীক্ষা বিষয়ক এবং পরীক্ষার এডমিট কার্ড ডাউনলোড করার বিষয়ে যদি কোন তথ্য আমরা জানতে পারি তাহলে আমরা আপনাদের সাথে এই পেজে শেয়ার করব. আপনারা এই পোস্টটি ফলো করতে থাকুন এবং আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করতে থাকুন.
Important Links
- Click here to Download Notification.
- Apply Online – Click here.
- Download Admit Card – Link to be available shortly.
Hopefully, we have discussed all the important information and aspects of West Bengal School Sub Inspector recruitment 2023. So, if you have any other doubts regarding filling up of application form then do ping us on the comment section of www.jobsandhan.com. Furthermore, to get any other information log on to the official website www.pscwbapplication.in. Thank You!
All The best!
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