West Bengal SSC Group C & Group D Answer key will be released after the exam is over. Therefore, candidates have to wait until the written test is over. For both the posts of Group C Clerk, Junior Assistant & Group D posts, the written test will be conducted which will be the 1st step. The recruited staffs will be posted under the University of Calcutta. Furthermore, we will also provide the official & unofficial WBSSC Answer Key. At first, the solutions will be provided. Later the WB School Service Commission will release the Set Wise A, B, C, D model & final solutions. If any candidate has any issue regarding the key, then he/she may raise an objection if the authority intends to do so. So, keep reading below to grab more details on WBSSC Answer key.
Check Now WBSSC Group C & D Result 2024 Non Teaching posts Merit List.
Important Links
WestBengalSSC Group C & D Answer Key Download Non-teaching staff 2022 WBSSC – Calcutta University

Recruiter Name | West Bengal School Service Commission |
Vacancy | Group C & Group D |
Name | Junior Assistant, peon, clerk, sweeper etc. |
Job Location | University of Calcutta |
Year | 2024 |
Application mode | Online |
Website of authority | www.westbengalssc.com |
Selection Process | Written test |
Exam date | Not released |
Answer key Status | Not yet available |
WBSSC RLST Group C & D Solution
Non teaching Staff Group C Clerk RLST Posts Answer Key Solution for WB School Service Commission (WBSSC) written Exam held on 05-03-2024 has been discussed here. Previously we have given the answer key for the Group D Staff Answer key/solution which was held on 19-02-2024. On 5th March 2024, the WBSSC Group C Written Exam was held. Many candidates appeared in the written test. WestBengalSSC Gr D Posts Official WBSSC Answer Key & expected solution Set Wise ( Set A B C D) of the written test conducted on 19th February 2017 can be downloaded from the official website once the same is published. Objective MCQ Questions were asked in the Written Exam of WBSSC in 19-02-2024.
Download WBSSC Clerk Previous Question Paper for Junior Assistant peon posts.
RLST or regional level selection test of Clerk & Group D posts in various govt/semi govt schools in West Bengal was held today and candidates will be able to download the model OMR sheet or model answer sheet very soon. You may also be able to download the fully solved question paper of WBSSC group D written exam in PDF format from the official portal once they upload it on the official website set wise. Earlier the recruitment notification for WB School Service Commission 3rd RLST non teaching staff Gr D posts was advertised on the official website www.westbengalssc.com.
WBSSC Group C Clerk Answer Key held on 5 March 2017
- Download the Question Paper of Group C First from this link.
1 | B |
2 | C |
3 | B |
4 | A |
5 | B |
6 | C |
7 | C |
8 | D |
9 | D |
10 | B |
11 | A |
12 | D |
13 | A |
14 | C |
15 | C |
16 | D |
17 | C |
18 | A |
19 | C |
20 | D |
21 | C |
22 | D |
23 | C |
24 | C |
25 | C |
26 | A |
27 | D |
28 | B |
29 | C |
30 | D |
31 | D |
32 | B |
33 | C |
34 | C |
35 | C |
36 | B |
37 | D |
38 | B |
39 | B |
40 | B |
41 | D |
42 | D |
43 | A |
44 | D |
45 | A |
- Download the Unofficial Key in PDF format – Click here.
These answer keys are unofficial. If you have any doubt, kindly let us know through comment box.
WBSSC Non-teaching Group D Answer Key held on 19th Feb 2024
- Download Group D Question paper from here.
West Bengal School Service Commission Group D Answer Key Download | |
1 | A |
2 | D |
3 | C |
4 | B |
5 | B |
6 | D |
7 | B |
8 | B |
9 | A |
10 | A |
11 | D |
12 | B |
13 | C |
14 | B |
15 | D |
16 | C |
17 | C |
18 | D |
19 | A |
20 | C |
21 | C |
22 | D |
23 | A |
24 | C |
25 | C |
26 | D |
27 | C |
28 | B |
29 | A |
30 | A |
31 | C |
32 | A |
33 | B |
34 | D |
35 | B |
36 | C |
37 | B |
38 | B |
39 | D |
40 | B |
41 | A |
42 | C |
43 | A |
44 | D |
45 | C |
- Download the Key in PDF format – Click here.
WBSSC Non-teaching Staff Group C Clerk RLST Answer Key
Serial | WBSSC non teaching staff exam | Status |
1 | Answer Key | Released |
2 | Written test held for | Group C Clerk posts |
3 | Set A B C D | Download Link PDF |
4 | Exam held on | 05-03-2017 |
Important Information regarding solution:
The answer key given here is not official. But the solution given here are correct, candidates may check their score as per the solution given here. You can download the WBSSC Answer Key given here. There were 3 parts in the question paper and they are General Knowledge, Current Affairs and Mathematical Aptitude. Standard of question paper was very easy. Gr C unofficial answer keys will be published after the exam is conducted.
WBSSC Clerk Answer Key 2024 Solution Model Answer:
Candidates appeared in the written test and the exam was conducted from 12 pm to 1 pm. Admit cards were issued to candidates in February 2024. Set wise the solution may be WBSSC Answer Key uploaded to the official website. Once the model answers or solution is out for the WB School Service Commission Gr D posts, candidates will be able to check their score. OMR Sheet was provided to the candidates to answer the question paper.
WestBengalSSC Non-teaching Solved Question Paper held on 2024:
Candidates who appeared in the written exam, can email their WBSSC Answer Key question paper to our contact id so that it will be helpful for them who are willing to appear in the next year’s WB School Service Commission’s RLST non teaching staff exam. You may also be able to download the Set wise question paper in PDF format full solved if the commission uploads it on their official website.
Answer keys/ expected solution of the MCQ Questions has not been published yet for the Group D Clerk non teaching staff exam of WBSSC. We will update it once officially published. We have given the link of official website on which it may be published.
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