NSOU Enrollment Certificate or Studentship Certificate for PG Admission Online Download Link 2023 is active Now! Those who have enrolled in various PG & BDP Courses under Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) can download their Studentship NSOU Enrollment Certificate from the official admission portal of www.wbnsou.ac.in. To Download NSOU Enrolment Certificate 2023 Online, follow the steps given below. Also, read the entire post below to understand about Different Types of Certificate provided by NSOU (Studentship Certificate, Renewal Certificate, SLM Certificate, Payment Certificate etc.) and find the link given in the article to Download the NSOU Enrollment Certificate.

UG Learners | Click Here |
PG Learners | Click Here |
Also Check – NSOU PG Assignment 2023.
Latest Update on 25th September 2023: NSOU PG Enrolment Certificate is available from the PG 2023 Admission portal. The learners may download their provisional enrollment certificate from “Print Enrollment Certificate / SLM Receipt” of the PG admission portal.
What is NSOU Enrolment Certificate
After getting admission in Netaji Subhash Open University, the first thing to do is to download the Enrollment Certificate online. The enrolment certificate has two parts –
- Provisional Enrollment Certificate and
- SLM Certificate (Receipt).
The NSOU Enrolment Certificate is also called Studentship Certificate. If you have taken admission and didnot download your SLM Receipt and NSOU Studentship Certificate, you must do so as soon as possible.
Importance of the Enrolment Certificate
Professional Enrollment Certificate contains Enrollment Number which is very important. This enrolment number is required everywhere throughout your Course Duration. From Exam Form fill up to Result, you will need your enrolment number which is provided in your NSOU Enrolment Certificate.
Importance of NSOU SLM Certificate
The Enrolment Certificate also contains the SLM Receipt Certificate which is the second part of it. The SLM Receipt is required while collecting the study material or books from the NSOU Exam Centers. So, keep your SLM Certificate ready while you collect the NSOU Study Materials.
NSOU PG Enrollment Certificate 2023 Download
Students enrolled under Post Graduate Courses such as MA / MSc / M.Com etc, can download their PG Enrolment Certificate with the help of Online wbnsou.ac.in website. This website will provide you a form where you need to fill up some date in order to download your NSOU PG Enrolment Certificate for 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021 sessions. Download Link for Year Wise Enrolment Certificate for PG Courses under the University is provided the following table:
Year | Download Link |
PG 2021 | Download Here (Available Now) |
PG 2020 | Download Here |
PG 2019 | Download Here |
PG 2018 | Download Here |
NSOU Course Name 2023
Sl. No. | Name of Programme/Course |
1 | B.A. in Bengali |
2 | B.A. in English |
3 | B.A. in Sociology |
4 | B.A. in Political Science |
5 | B.A. in Public Administration |
6 | B.A. in Economics |
7 | B.A. in History |
8 | Bachelor in Commerce |
9 | B.Sc. in Physics |
10 | B.Sc. in Chemistry |
11 | B.Sc. in Mathematics |
12 | B.Sc. in Zoology |
13 | B.Sc. in Botany |
14 | B.Sc. in Geography |
15 | M.A. in Bengali |
16 | M.A. in English |
17 | M.A. in English Language Teaching |
18 | M.A. in Political Science |
19 | M.A. in Public Administration |
20 | M.A. in History |
21 | Master of Commerce |
22 | Master of Social Work |
23 | Master of Library and Information Science |
24 | M.A. in Education |
25 | M.Sc. in Mathematics |
26 | M.Sc. in Zoology |
27 | M.Sc. in Geography |

এনরোলমেন্ট সার্টিফিকেট
NSOU BDP Enrollment Certificate 2023
Year | Download Link |
BDP 2021 | Download Here |
BDP 2020 | Download Here |
BDP 2019 | Download Here |
BDP 2018 | Download Here |
Recommended Books-
NSOU BDP Enrolment Certificate Download Process:
- Visit the BDP Enrolment Certificate Download Link https://bdp.wbnsouadmissions.com/CheckEnrolmentStatus.aspx or Click Here.
- After that, enter your “Application Number” and “Date of Birth“.
- Now, click on the “Go” link.
- Finally, your BDP Enrolment Certificate will be generated.
- Download it and Save it to your mobile / computer.

SLM Certificate / Receipt
You can download SLM Certificate from Netaji Subhas Open University through its official website www.wbnsou.ac.in. The SLM Receipt download links are same as the PG / BDP / BLIS / B.Ed Enrolment Certificate. The SLM Certificate will consist of following information –
- Subject Code,
- Enrolment No.
- Application No.
- SLM for 1st Year / 2nd year / 3rd year
- Signature of student.
- Date.

এস.এল.এম রিসিট / সার্টিফিকেট
Other Links:
Assignments of Human Rights | Click Here |
BLIS Enrolment Certificate | Download |
NSOU Exam Routine | Check Here |
NSOU Assignment | Download Here |
NSOU Question Paper | Check Here |
আপনার Enrolment Certificate ডাউনলোড করার পরে, যদি আপনি কোনও ভুল তথ্য লক্ষ্য করে থাকেন, তবে শংসাপত্র পাওয়ার পরে এক সপ্তাহের মধ্যে আপনার স্টাডি সেন্টারে যোগাযোগ করুন। আপনাকে সংশোধনের জন্য Application লিখতে হবে এবং কয়েক সপ্তাহ পরে, আপনি WBNSOU.ac.in or wbnsouadmissions.com ওয়েবসাইট থেকে নতুন Certificate & SLM Fee Payment Receipt ডাউনলোড করতে পারেন.
তোমাদের মধ্যে অনেকে এমন রয়েছে যারা ফরম জমা পড়বার শেষ তারিখ পার করে ফেলো. তাদের জন্য স্টাডি সেন্টার ইউনিভার্সিটি তে গিয়ে ফরম জমা করতে বলে থাকে. এরকম যদি কোন ছাত্র বা ছাত্রী থেকে থাকো তাহলে অবশ্যই স্টাডি সেন্টারের অর্ডিনেটরকে দিয়ে ফরমটি সই করে নেবে, তা না হলে তোমার ফর্ম জমা পড়বে না ইউনিভার্সিটিতে।
You can also retrieve SLM certificate from Study Centre too. If you have any difficulty downloading SLM Receipt / Enrolment Certificate for NSOU after seeking admission, comment below. We will help you downloading your Studentship Certificate for NSOU.
Thank You!!
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