Model Question Paper Study Material for KPS 2024 Download (PDF)

Krishi Prayukti Sahayak (KPS) Study material is given here for free to download in PDF format. Question Paper with solution has been also given. Download the Model Question Paper / Mock test paper free for WBSSC KPS Exam 2024 . Question answers are given in objective format that is multiple choice question (MCQ). This is our part 2 practice set. You can download the part 1 of the model KPS Study Material Download Model Paper from the link given below. The study material is given for reference only which deals with all the General awareness (G.K) subjects like general science, economy, polity, history, geography, current affairs etc.
Part I Study Material – KPS Previous Year Model Question Paper Download – WBSSC 2024.
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1) Which one of the following Schedules of the Indian Constitution lists the name of state and specifies their territories?
a) First b) second c) third d) fourth.
2) Who among the following was never a Deputy prime minister of India?
a) Devi lal b) GL Nanda c) LK Advani d Z) YB Chavan.
Click to see – WBSSC KPS Exam 2024 Qualifying Marks Part I & II Written Test.
3) The ministers are individually responsible to
a) The President b) The house of the people c) The prime Minister d) The house of which they are members.
4) Who was the speaker of the first lok sabha?
a) Hukam singh b) G V Mavalankar c) KM Munshi d) UN Dhebar.
5) Representatives of union Territories in lok sabha are chosen by
a) Direct election b) indirect election c) nomination d) All are equal.
6) In which of the following types of economy are the factors of production owned individually?
a) Capitalist b) Socialist c) Mixed d) both a and b.
7) The concept of five year plans in India was introduced by
a) Lord Mountbatten b) Jawaharlal Neheru c) Indira Gandhi d) Lal Bahadur Shastri.
8) When was the Reserve Bank of India taken over by the Government?
a) 1945 b) 1949 c) 1952 d) 1956.
9) The impact of Green Revolution was felt most in the case of
a) wheat b) rice c) pulses d) oilseeds.
10) Indian Green Revolution started from
a) pantnagar b) Bengaluru c) Kanpur d) Delhi.
11) Which among the following formulates fiscal policy?
a) RBI B) Finance Ministry c) SEBI d) Planning Commission.
12) Central seed Testing and Referral Laboratory is located in
a) Bhopal b) Varanashi c) Dehradun d) Lucknow.
13) In order to promote village industrialization ,Government of india has set up the Mahatma Gandhi institute for Rural industrialization
a) Hyderabad b) Wardha c) Kolkata d) Porbandar.
14) Rolling plan was designed for the period
a) 1978-83 b) 1980-85 c) 1985-90 d) 1974-97.
15) Consolidation of holdings as a land reforms measure failed to take off in
a) Punjab b) Haryana c) Tamil Nadu d) Uttar Pradesh.
16) Who among the following gave the first experimental value of G?
a) Cavendish b) Brook Taylor c) Copernicus d) Albert Einstein.
17) Which waves are used in sonography?
a) Microwaves b) sound waves c) Infrared waves d) Ultrasonic waves.
18) Galvanized iron sheets have a coating of
a) Tin b) lead c) zinc d) chromium.
19) Which of the following is the lightest gas?
a) Nitrogen b) hydrogen c) ammonia d) carbon dioxide.
20) The blue color of sky is due to the phenomenon
a) Reflection b) refraction c) dispersion d) scattering.
1) a 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) a 6) a 7) b 8) b 9) a 10) a 11) b 12) b 13) b 14) a 15) c 16) a 17) d 18) c 19) b 20) c.
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