Khamaria Ordnance Factory – 856 posts for semi skilled tradesman as electrician, fitter, machinist post

Vacancy for Semi skilled tradesman has been published in Khamaria Ordnance Factory Madhya Pradesh (MP – district Jabalpur) for the year 2024. Recruitment notification has been published on their official website through advertisement no 2613/2613/EA/LB/350/2015. Application can be submitted online by logging in to the website – Khamaria Ordnance Factory is a Govt of India organization and it is under ministry of defence. Candidates must possess NCVT trade certificate. Those who are interested in the posts of semi skilled tradesman in electrician, machinist may see the detailed information below regarding exam pattern, syllabus, recruitment process and others.
Details of the post:
Semi-Skilled Tradesman in Fitter, Machinist, Examiner, Electroplater, Electrician etc.
There are total 856 posts including the backlog and current vacancies. There are different posts for Machinist (SS), Electrician, Fitter, Examiner etc. To know the detailed category and post wise vacancy break up list for Khamaria Ordnance Factory, please download the notification advertisement from below link.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility for Semi Skilled Tradesman – Candidates must have passed Matriculation or 10th. They should also possess National Trade Certificate (NTC) or National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) issued by NCVT in respective trades. Eligibility Criteria for each of the posts has been given separately on the official notification.
Important Dates of Recruitment:
Starting of online application form fill up –
Last date for application form submit –
Last date for receipt of print out of application –
Salary Structure:
Recruited Semi-skilled tradesman will be paid in the pay scale of Rs 5,200 – 20,200 with grade pay of Rs 1,800. Other allowances will also be included in their monthly salary as per the ordnance factory rules.
Selection Process / Exam Pattern:
Recruitment will be done in the posts by written test followed by trade test. Written exam will be of 2 hours duration and will carry 100 marks. Below is the exam pattern / syllabus of the written test –
1) Part I – 20 marks which will come from General awareness and quantitative aptitude of 10th level. Please read our Study Materials section to get G.K notes.
2) Part II – 80 marks. It will consist questions from NCVT trades.
All the questions will be objective type MCQs and there will be no negative marking in the exam.
Candidates will be shortlisted for trade test or practical test of relevant trade where they have to secure qualifying marks only. No interview will be there and their final selection will be done on the merit list based on the marks obtained in the written exam. Marks of trade test will not be counted.
Age Limit:
Lower Limit = 18 years,
Upper Limit = 32 years.
Age relaxation will be applicable to the reserved category candidates and ex-servicepersons also.
Exam Fee:
General Candidates – Rs 100. Application fee can be paid by net banking / credit / debit card.
SC ST PwD Ex-serviceman candidates are exempted from fee payment.
How to Apply:
Form has to be filled up online through the website of Khamaria Ordnance Factory. After filling up the application form, one has to print it and send the form with all the prescribed documents to the office address before the last date mentioned above. Travel allowance for SC ST Candidates will be given appearing in the written exam.
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Download From Here.
Thank You!!!!
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