UPSC EPFO Enforcement Officer Previous Years Question Paper Download PDF: Solved Model Question Paper UPSC Enforcement Accounts Officer EPFO EO / AO Written Exam has been given below. You can also download previous year’s question paper to cross check your preparation. Practice or mock test questions is also given. The Enforcement Officer (EO) in EPFO by UPSC will be recruited through written test and interview. The recruitment test may be held online or offline (written exam).
UPSC EPFO Enforcement Officer Previous Years Question Paper Overview
Organization Name | Union Public Service Commission |
Post Name | EO / AO |
Vacancy | 418 |
Apply Mode | Online |
Application Starting date | 25 February 2024 |
Application Last Date | 17 March 2024 |
Official Website | |

Please see the model question paper with solution given here. You can also download free the sample question paper in PDF format with answers. Earlier the recruitment notification for Union Public Service Commission EO AO recruitment 2024 was published on the official website Study materials for the Recruitment Written test for EPFO Enforcement officer has also been given below. Candidates should study recommended standard books for the UPSC Exams.
UPSC EPFO Exam Patten
Exam Duration | 120 Minutes (2 Hours) |
UPSC EO Examination Mode | Offline (Pen/Paper Mode) |
Nature of Examination | MCQ, Objective Type question paper |
Negative Marking | Yes (1/3 marks deducted for the wrong answer) |
Exam Language | English and Hindi |
UPSC EPFO Exam Syllabus
Subject | Marks |
General English | 10 |
Indian Freedom Struggle, | 10 |
General Accounting Principles | 10 |
General Accounting Principles | 10 |
Indian Polity & Economy | 10 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 10 |
Industrial Relations | 10 |
Labor Laws | 10 |
General Science | 10 |
Computer Applications | 10 |
Total | 100 |
UPSC EPFO syllabus
- Indian Freedom Struggle
- General English
- Current Events and Developmental Issues
- General Accounting Principles
- Indian Polity & Economy
- General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude
- Industrial Relations & Labor Laws
- Social Security in India
- General Science and Knowledge of Computer applications
Indian Freedom Struggle
- Indian Freedom struggle in the first stage.
- Growth of national consciousness.
- Creation of Associations.
- Establishment of the Indian National Congress and its Moderate stage.
- Swadeshi Movement.
- Regulating and Pitt’s India Acts.
- The Carnatic Wars.
- The 1857 Revolt – reasons, character, course and result.
- Quit India Movement.
- Subhash Chandra Bose.
- Early composition of the British Raj.
- Economic Nationalism.
- The development of Extremism and the split in Congress.
- The policy of Divide and Rule.
- Congress-League Pact of 1916.
- Civil Disobedience.
- Khilafat movement.
- Non-Cooperation Movement.
- Indian National Army.
- Invasion of Bengal.
- The three Anglo-Maratha Wars.
General English
- Fill in the Blanks.
- Para Jumbles.
- Phrases/ Idioms.
- Phrase replacement.
- Cloze Test.
- Error Spotting.
- Reading comprehension.
- Sentence completion/ para completion.
- Synonyms/Antonyms.
- Spellings.
General Accounting Principles
- Adjustments and Financial Statements.
- Subsidiary Ledgers.
- Principles of Accounting.
- Analyzing and Recording Transactions.
- Special Journals.
- Completion of the accounting cycles.
Indian Polity & Economy
- Amendments.
- Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States.
- Parliament and State Legislatures: structure, functioning, the conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.
- Public Policy.
- Rights Issues.
- Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes.
- Indian Constitution.
- Historical underpinnings.
- Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential.
- Citizens charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and other measures.
- Panchayati Raj.
Quantitative Aptitude
- Profit & Loss
- Average
- Ratio
- SI & CI
- Number Systems
- Syllogism
- Puzzles & More
- Percentage
- Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables)
- Data sufficiency
Industrial Relations
- Model of labor reforms.
- Industrial relations code (IRC) Bill
Labor Laws
- About.
- Overview.
- Areas implemented.
- Sectors Applicable.
- Types.
Social Security in India
- New Social Security Schemes launched covering social insurances like Pension, Health Insurance and Medical Benefit, Disability Benefit, Maternity Benefit, Gratuity.
- Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) and the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC).
- Atal Pension Yojna (APY).
- Status of Social Security in India.
- Social Security schemes for the Underorganized sector.
- Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY).
- Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY).
- Pradhan Mantri Kisan Manthan Yojana (PMKMY).
- Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) Yojana.
General Science
- Life Science.
- Physics.
- Chemistry.
Computer Applications
- Operating Systems.
- Database Management.
- Computer Networks
- Data Structures
- Computer Organizations.
- Data Communications
Download Solved Model Paper PDF format:
The questions and answers of the model sample paper given below, can also be downloaded in PDF format for EPFO Enforcement officer written exam.
Click here to download file.
Study Materials for UPSC EPFO EO Written Exam:
Earlier we have provided the Exam Pattern and Syllabus for the Recruitment Test. You can take a look at the subject wise MCQ Questions and Answers important for your EO written exam preparation. These objective MCQ Questions are very important for all competitive exams.
- General English
- Indian History (including freedom struggle)
- Indian Polity
- Indian Economy
- General Science
- Knowledge of Computer applications
- General Mental Ability & General Reasoning
- Quantitative Aptitude
Download Solved Model Question Paper UPSC EPFO EO AO:
Below are some solved MCQ Questions Answers for UPSC EPFO Enforcement Officer & Accounts Officer written exam –
Part I –
1) Who is called the father of English poetry?
a) Charles b) Milton c) words worth d) Chaucer.
2) The 191st member of UNO is?
a) Switzerland b) East Timor c) Swaziland d) Taiwan.
3) Which of the following is a cultural organisation?
a) FAO b) ILO c) WHO d) UNESCO.
4) The headquarters of UNHCR is located at –
a) New York b) Rome c) London d) Geneva.
5) The headquarters of international Atomic Energy Agency is located in –
a) Geneva b) Washington D.C c) Vienna d) London.
6) Which of the following are special agencies of the UNO?
A) WHO b) OPEC c) IME d) FAO.
7) The international court of Justice is located at –
a) Geneva b) The Hague c) Amsterdam d) Vienna.
8) The United Nations Organisation came into existence on?
a) Oct.24,1945 b) Dec.24,1945 c) Aug.30,1945 d) none of the above
9) Which of the following is not associated with the UNO?
a) ILO b) WHO c) Security Council d) ASEAN
10) Which UN body deals with population problem?
11) The number of principal organs of UNO is
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6.
12) India has been a member of the UN since –
a) 1945 b) 1946 c)1947 d)1948.
1)d 2)a 3)d 4)d 5)c 6)c 7)b 8)a 9)d 10)c 11)d 12)a.
Part II:
1) Ascorbic acid is
a) A vitamin b) an enzyme c) a protein d) an amino acid.
2) RAM is……..and……….
a) nonvolatile, permanent b) volatile, temporary c) nonvolatile, temporary d) volatile, permanent.
3) an instrument used to measure humidity is?
a) anemometer b) hygrometer c) thermometer d) pyrheliometer.
4) Who propounded the market law?
a) Adam Smith b) JB Say c) TR Malthus d) David Ricardo.
5) The term paper gold means –
a) special drawing rights of the IMF b) special accommodation facility of the World Bank c) Currencies still on Gold Standard d) deficit financing.
1) A, 2) B, 3) B, 4) B. 5) A.
Download UPSC EO Previous Years Question Paper (Old Papers):
Old question paper, last years paper set are useful for preparation of UPSC Enforcement officer recruitment test or written exam in EPFO. They can held you on how to prepare for UPSC EPFO Enforcement Officer / Accounts Officer exam 2020. You can download the previous years question paper with answer key when the UPSC authority uploaded it on their official website.
Go to the official website of UPSC – click here.
The UPSC EPFO APFC previous year’s paper can be solved at your own pace; there is no time limit. You can, however, solve the old test within a set amount of time to gauge how quickly you solve problems.
The questions on the UPSC EPFO APFC exam do, in fact, come up again and again. Therefore, carefully answer the questions on these papers from the previous year.
Indeed, the UPSC EPFO Previous Year Papers are genuine and were organised in a way that is consistent with the layout of the examination.
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