Wets Bengal School Service Commission (WBSSC) 1st SLST 2016 English Class 9, 10 Assistant Teacher Recruitment Exam Question Papers have been given below. MCQ Type questions were asked in the WBSSC 1st State Level Selection Test Written Exam. OMR based examination was conducted by the West Bengal SSC. You can download the WB SLST Class IX, X Teacher English Subject Question Paper from the link given. Solution of the questions has also been provided here. Official Answer key can also be downloaded from the Solved Question Paper PDF Download Link.
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SLST 2016 English Question Paper – Class 9, 10 Graduate Teacher
1. In ‘Three years she grew in sun and shower,’ Nature says that grace will be endowed on Lucy by the
A) Storm
(B) Rivulets
(C) Willow
(D) Fawn
2. The speaker in ‘A Slumber did my Spirit Seal’ had
(A) no mortal fearsus
(B) no earthly fears
(C). no needless fears
(D) no human fears.
3. In ‘The World is too much with us,'”sordid boon’ refers to
(A) Material progress
(B)Crowded cities
(C) Decadent lifestyle
(D) Blessing in disguise.
4. ‘Myself will to my darling be …’ Myself refers to
(A) Nature
(B) Lucy
(C) The poet
(D) The lover.
5. ‘Chorus Hymeneal’ means
(A) A dirge
(B) A choric song
(C) A lullaby.
(D) A marriage hymn.
6. ‘…tameless, and swift, and proud’ refers to
(A) the Skylarkyo
(B) the West wind
(C) some fierce Maenad
(D) the Mediterranean.
7. ‘Until they think warm days will never cease.’ Who are ‘they’ ?
(A) the reapers
(B)the crickets
(C) the bees
(D) the swallows.
8. In ‘Ode to a Nightingale’, Keats longs for a beaker full of
(A) Hemlock
(B) Opium
(C) Blush ful Hippocrene
(D) Wine.
9. By ‘Scudding Hyades’, Tennyson means
(A) Ocean currents
(B) Stormy weather
(C) A constellation
(D) An island,

Answer Keys for Class IX-X Question Paper:
Q | A | Q | A | Q | A | Q | A |
1 | A | 15 | C | 29 | B | 43 | B |
2 | B | 16 | A | 30 | B | 44 | C |
3 | A | 17 | B | 31 | A | 45 | D |
4 | D | 18 | D | 32 | A | 46 | C |
5 | D | 19 | D | 33 | D | 47 | D |
6 | B | 20 | C | 34 | A | 48 | D |
7 | C | 21 | B | 35 | C | 49 | B |
8 | C | 22 | B | 36 | B | 50 | B |
9 | B | 23 | D | 37 | C | 51 | A |
10 | A | 24 | C | 38 | B | 52 | C |
11 | D | 25 | D | 39 | D | 53 | B |
12 | C | 26 | B | 40 | C | 54 | D |
13 | B | 27 | B | 41 | C | 55 | D |
14 | C | 28 | C | 42 | D | – | – |
Class XI – XII SLST 2016 English Question Paper:

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