Uttar Pradesh Police Jail Warder Previous Question Paper Download Solved PDF is provided here. Candidates who are willing to appear in the Uttar Pradesh Jail Warder Recruitment Written Exam in 2024, should use the Old Question Papers a lot. Along with the UP Jail Warder Previous Years Question Paper with answer key, practice a lot of model & Sample Questions answers in PDF format. Here in this post we have provided UPP Jail Warden Written Exam Practice Questions with Solution completely free. Solve the provided model question paper of UP Police Jail Warder Recruitment Written Test.
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UP Jail Warder Previous Years Question Paper PDF

The Uttar Pradesh Jail Warder Old Question Paper will be helpful for this year. So, Download the Provided Jail Warder Recruitment Exam UP Jail Warder Previous Years Question Paper with Answer Key and practice those regularly. But before that, let us know the details examination syllabus of the written test –
UP Jail Warder Recruitment Selection Process:
- Written Exam.
- Documents Verification.
- Physical Measurement Test (PMT).
- Physical Efficiency Test (PET).
- Final Merit List.
Download UPPRPB Jail Warder Previous Years Question Paper
Syllabus of the Question Paper will be of following –
- General Knowledge,
- General hindi,
- Numerical & Mental Ability,
- Reasoning.
The written test will be held on different places of Uttar Pradesh State. The recruitment test will be of offline test and multiple choice questions will be asked.
UPP Jail Warder Model Question Paper with Answer Key
1) Which one among the following is not an igneous rock?
a) Granite b) Basalt c) Gabbro d) Gneiss.
2) Comets revolve around
a) Sun b) earth c) venus d) no single heavenly body.
3) Where is the port of east London located?
a) England b) Ireland c) East cost of USA d) South Africa.
4) Molten rock below the surface of the earth is called
a) Basalt b) Laccolith c Lava d) Magma.
5) Bolivar is the monetary unit of
a) Venezuela b) Brazil c) Bolivia d) Belarus.
6) Which one of the following countries is located South of the equator?
a) Cameroon b) Sudan c) Nigeria d) Rwanda.
7) The leading mica producer in the Wrold is
a) USA b) Russia c) Japan d) India.
8) Which of the following is fastest growing tree?
a) Teak b) Sal c) Eucalyptus d) Banyan.
9) Great Barrir Reef is situated along the coast of
a) Australia b) Canada c) UK d) South Africa.
10) Which of the following giant stars most predominant in the sun?
a) Helium b) hydrogen c) Nitrogen d) Ozone.
11) Which one of the following tribes is NOT related to india?
a) Apatani b) Jarawa c) Masai d) Santhal.
12) Which of the following rock transformed into marble?
a) Granite b) Limestone c) Peat d) Shal.
13) The original home of the gypsies was
a) Egypt b) Russia c) India d) Persia.
14) The earth rotates around its axis from
a) north to south b) east to west c) south to north d) west to east.
15) The largest number of tribal groups live in
a) Uganda b) Tanzania c) South Africa d) Nigeria.
16) Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock?
a) Limestone b) Marble c) Sandstone d) Shale.
17) Which one among the following is a primary rock?
a) sedimentary b) Igneous c) Metamorphic d) None of these.
18) Which of the following tributaries of the Ganga system flows NorthwardsZ?
a) Kosi b) Ghaghara c) Gandak d) Son.
19) The reservoir GB pant sagar is located on which river?
a) Betwa b) Ghaghara c) Kosi d) Rihand.
20) Which of the following is the brightest planet?
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Mars d) Jupiter.
21) Shimsha, Hemavati, Arkavati are the tributaries of which one of the following rivers?
a) Tapti b) Tungabhadra c) Cauveri d) Krishna.
22) If there is no sun, the colour of the sky would be –
a) orange b) blue c) yellow d) black.
23) Which one of the following rivers flows into the Arabian Sea?
a) Indravati b) Godavari c) Cauveri d) Narmada.
24) Narmada river originetes from Amarkantak in
a) Gujarat b) Maharashtra c) Madhya Pradesh d) Chhattisgarh.
25) Which one of the following rivers originates at Amarkantak?
a) Damodar b) Mahanandi c) Narmada d) Tapti.
1)d 2) a 3) d 4) d 5) a 6) c 7) d 8) c 9) a 10) b 11) c 12) b 13) a 14) d 15) b 16) b 17) b 18)d 19) d 20) b 21) c 22) d 23) d 24) c 25) c.
Model Question Paper for the Upcoming Uttar Pradesh Jail Warder Recruitment Exam
The model questions answers for the jail department exam is provided below –
For more updates on UP Jail Warder Previous Years Question Paper, solved old papers, model question answer, practice set, keep visiting www.jobsandhan.com.
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