Model Previous Year solved question paper free download PDF for TNPSC Junior assistant (ja), typist, steno, field surveyor exam

Tamil Nadu PSC or TNPSC will conduct junior assistant, typist, field surveyor steno recruitment exam very soon. We have given here the model and sample TNPSC Junior Assistant Previous year paper for the recruitment exam in PDF form. The previous years solved question paper with answer key year wise download link is also given here. You can download the question and answer paper fully solved in PDF form. To prepare for the exam you must practice last 10 years question paper. Go through the model mock test question paper / sample paper given below.
Download Model Question Paper for Junior assistant typist Exam TNPSC:
1) The Arab traveler to india whose work is called the ‘Mirror of the 11th century India was
a) Al Mashar
b Al Beruni
c) Al Hajjaj
d) Al Mansur
Click to see TNPSC Recruitment Junior Assistant JA Steno Typist 5451 Posts 2016.
2) In early medieval India, what did the term Jital refer to?
a) Weight
b) Diet
c) Coin
d) Game
3) Prem Vtika poems on the life of Krishna were composed by
a) Bihar
b) Surdas
c) Raskhan
d) Kabir
4) Among the following , who was not a proponent of the bhakti cult?
a) Nagarjuna
b) Tukaram
c) Tyagaraja
d) Vallabhacharya
5) Who after raising a successful rebellion ,made Jahangir a captive in his own camp?
a) Khurram
b) Mahabat Khan
c) Khusrau
d) Asaf Khan
6) Mount Merapi is located on which one of the islands?
a) Java
b) Sumatra
c) Borneo
d) Celebes
7) The Victoria Falls in Africa is located on which river?
a) Zaire
b) Orange
c) Zambezi
d) Niger
8) The broken Hills famous for zinc and lead are located in
a) Turkey
b) France
c) Germany
d) Australia
9) Sunda Trench lies in
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Antarctic Ocean
10) Which continent of the world does not have a desert?
a) Australia
b) Europe
c) Asia
d) North America
11) In which of the following ways can Indian citizenship be acquired?
a) By descent
b) By naturalisation
c) By registration
d) All of these
12) Fandamental Duties do not enjoy any
a) social sanction
b) moral sanction
c) political sanction
d) Legal sanction
13) The Mumbai High Court does not have a bench at which one of the following place?
a) Nagpur
b) Panaji
c) Pune
d) Aurangabad
14) How many high Courts in India have jurisdiction over more than one state ??
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
15) The first Lok Adalat was held in which year?
a) 1985
b) 1986
d) 1988
16) By which year will India be able to secure full membership in the ‘Financial Action Task Force’?
a) 2009
b) 2010
c) 2011
d) 2012
17) On which day is the Budget presented to the Parliaments?
a) 15th March
b) 1th April
c) 26th January
d) Last day of February
18) The Khadi and Village Industries Commission was established during which five year plan?
a) Second
b) Third
c) First
d) Fifth
19) During which plan was NABARD established?
a) Fifth
b) Sixth
c) Third
d) Ninth
20) Indian economy is……economy.
a) mixed
b) socialist
d) gandhian
21) Who is the author of the book ‘Mother India’?
a) Annie Besant
b) Katherine Frank
c) Katherine Mayo
d) Sister Nivedita
22) Who is author of one Night @ the call Center?
a) Vikram seth
b) Chetan Bhagat
c) Anurag Mathur
d) Robin Sharma
23) The main thinking part of the brain is
a) midbrain
b) hypothalamus
c) forebrain
d) hindbrain
24) The sex of a newbron baby is determined by the chromosome inherited from
a) the mother
b) the father
c) mother’s mother
d) father’s father
25) Which one of the following is not a member of SCO?
a) Russia
b) China
c) India
d) Kazakhstan
ANSWERS key / solution:
1)b 2) c 3) c 4) a 5) b 6) a 7) c 8) d 9) c 10) b 11)a 12) d 13) c 14) b 15) b 16) b 17) d 18) a 19) b 20) a 21) c 22) a 23) c 24) c 25) c.
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