MCGM BMC Junior Engineer (JE) Syllabus 2023 Download PDF: Given Here MCGM JE Civil & JE Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Syllabus {OFFICIAL} in PDF format for the upcoming recruitment test. Collect full info related to the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) Junior Engineer Written Exam 2023 from this site. The officials of the MCGM have revealed the MCGM JE Exam Syllabus 2023 on their official website which is Therefore, now one can download the pdf of the BMC JE Exam Pattern & Exam Syllabus 2023.
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Latest Update On 27th July 2023 : This page is for Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation Junior Engineer applicants. This article contains complete BMC JE Syllabus 2023. Candidates can download the MCGM BMC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2023 PDF at the end of the page.
BMC JE Syllabus 2023 MCGM Junior Engineer Exam Pattern Download @
Recruitment Board Name | Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai – Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation |
Name of the Vacant Scopes | Junior Engineer (JE) |
The Process of Selection | Written Test, Interview |
Syllabus Download Format | |
Official Address | |
MCGM Junior Engineer Exam Pattern 2023

View the MCGM JE Exam Pattern 2023 to know details about the exam. As well as it will help the individuals to understand the structure of the test. Get each and every single info regarding the nature of the question, marking scheme, number of questions, total marks, etc from the BMC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2023. Thereafter, work hard and follow a time schedule. In that way, the participants can easily take the best preparation for the exam.
- There will be negative marking of 0.25 Marks for Each Wrong Answer.
Download MCGM JE Syllabus 2023
Also, check the MCGM JE Exam Syllabus 2023. It comprises info related to the subjects, topics, and concepts of the exam. According to the MCGM Junior Engineer Syllabus 2023 take preparation for the exam.
Download Official Syllabus PDF for MCGM Junior Engineer Recruitment posts – Click Here.
Download BMC MCGM JE Civil Engineering Syllabus (Diploma Level)
- Building Construction & Materials:
- Strength of materials: stresses, strains, bending moments, shear forces and torsion theory, bending theory of beam, deflection of beam, theories of buckling of columns.
- Theory of structures: Analysis of beams, frames and trusses, slope deflection method, moment distribution method.
- Engineering Mechanics: Simple Machines, Force System, Computation of Forces, Equilibrium, Friction, Centroid & Centre of Gravity.
- Surveying:
- Steel structures: Design of bolted and welded connections, columns, footings, trusses, steel beams.
- Design of reinforced concrete structures (limit state): Design of slab, beam, columns, footing, retaining walls, tanks, building frames, staircases.
- Construction planning and Management: Elements of scientific management, elements of material management, safety engineering, network analysis, construction equipment, site layout, quality control.
- Estimating, costing and Valuation: Specification, estimation, costing, tenders and contracts, rate analysis, valuation.
- Geo-technical Engineering: Geotechnical properties, stresses in soil, shear resistance, compaction, consolidation and earth pressure, stability of slopes, bearing capacity, settlements, shallow and deep foundations, cofferdams, ground water control.
- Highway Engineering: Planning of highway systems, alignment and geometric design, horizontal and vertical curves, grade separation, materials and different surfaces and maintenance, rigid and flexible pavement, traffic engineering.
- Bridge Engineering: Selection of site, types of bridges, discharge, waterway, spans, afflux, scour, standards, specifications, loads and forces, erection of superstructure, strengthening.
- Environmental Engineering
- Water Supply Engineering: Sources of supply, design of intakes, estimation of demand, water quality standards, primary and secondary treatment, maintenance of treatment units, conveyance and distribution of treated water, rural water supply.
- Waste water Engineering & Pollution control: Quantity, collection and conveyance and quality, disposal, design of sewer and sewerage systems, pumping, characteristics of sewage and its treatment, rural sanitation, sources and affects of air and noise pollution, monitoring, standards.
- Solid Waste Management: Sources, classification, collection and disposal.
Download MCGM BMC JE M&E Syllabus
- Basics of Mechanical Engineering,
- Environmental Studies – Natural resources and associated problems, Environmental pollution, Environment and Social issues, Renewable energy sources, Concepts of Solar energy, Energy audit, Environmental protection Act
- Strength of material
- Fluid Mechanics:
- Manufacturing planning and Control – Manufacturing planning and control system, Forecasting, Planning Function, Planning for Material Requirements, project management, Industrial safety and Legislative acts
- Theory of Machines: Fundamentals and type of Mechanism, Simple machines, Belt Drives, Gear Drives, Joints and Coupling, single and multi cylinder engines and v engines, belt and chain drives, degree of freedom.
- Machine Design Concepts – Torson, Spring, Joints, Bearing – types and Design, Theory of Failure, Factor of Safety, Combined stresses, Threaded and welded joints, design of screw and bolts, Design of Shafts and Springs, Keys, Basics of CNC machines
- IC engines – Volumetric and thermal efficiency, SI engines, CI engines,
- Combustion, Knocking, Supercharging, cooling lubrication and ignition system
- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning:
- Design of Refrigeration system:
- Parts of Vehicles – Engine, Chassis, Transmission, drive assembly, alternator, axle, body, wheels, brakes, steering, suspension etc., Components of Transmission system and their functions, Recent trends in Auto mobiles
- Concept of SI and CI Engines – Carnot cycle, Reverse Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, SI Vs CI Engine
- Efficiency – Thermal, Volumetric, Mechanical, Electrical system etc.
- Electrical Fundamentals
- Electrical power transmission & distribution
- Insulating material – Classification, dielectric strength, test & section (Bakelite, FRP, Teflon, PVC, HDPE, Mica, SF6, Vacuum, Oil etc).
- Electrical systems – Electrification of residential installation, Electrification of Commercial installation, Electrification of Industrial installation
- Measurement and Control – Basics of Measurement of Pressure, Temperature, Flow displacement etc.
- Electric Motors (Induction Motors)
- Cables and wires – Types, construction, HV/LV cables, testing, fault finding, cable rating and selection, cable jointing, termination.
- Statutory requirement of electric installation – safety precautions, safety equipment and test instrument, Indian Electricity Rules 1956 – provisions, IEEE, IEC, ESSA, Factory act, Workman compensation act, Minimum wages act
- Illumination (Light) – Types of light, solar lighting, LED, CLF, HPSV, Mercury lamp, tube light etc.
- Principles of Digital Instruments – Working principles of digital Voltmeter, Ammeter, Frequency meter, multimeters, Measurement of Resistance Megger Earth Test Potentiometer.
- Power Electronics – SCR MOSFET, FET devices, rectifiers and inverter, SMPS, PWM convertor, application, Power amplifier
- Batteries and UPS
- Electrical protection – MCCB, ELCB etc.
- Provision of National Building Codes on Building services & ventilation, electrical & allied installation, air conditioning, ventilation, acoustic, sound insulation and noise control, installation of lifts and escalators.
- Concepts of Electronics – Diode, Triode, Semiconductor, Forward bias, Reverse bias, Transistor – NPN, PNP. Analog circuits, Digital circuits
- Digital Electronics – Logic Gates, De’Morgans Theorem, Boolean Logic, Counter, Adder, Flip flops and types
- PLC concepts – Basic of Ladder logic, Programming, architecture, Concept of Nano PLC
- SCADA – Concept, Hardware, Software etc.
- Automation – Timer, Sequencing, Logic
- Network Design – Lan, MAN, WAN, Topology – Ring, Star, Bus.
- Data Transmission – Single, Half duplex, Full duplex, Fibre optic concept
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Technology Driven practices
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Computers in Industrial Engineering
- Internet vs Intranet
MCGM JE Model Question paper
In addition to that the postulants may also verify the MCGM JE previous year question papers. The Model Question Papers will be beneficial for you to get an exact idea about the exam. Furthermore, solving last year’s questions thus you will be able to answer the questions in proper time.
Civil Engineering Model Question paper:
- Strength of Materials
- Environmental Engineering
- Soil Mechanics
- Building Materials
- RCC Design
- Fluid Mechanics
- Steel Structure Design
- Structural Analysis
- Construction Planning & Management
- Hydrology
M&E Model Question Paper:
- Internal Combustion Engine
- Theory of Machines
- Power Plant Engineering
- Strength of Materials
- Heat & Mass Transfer
- Machine Design
- Material Science
- Series AC Circuits
- Work & Power
- Transformers
- Three Phase Induction Motor
- Phasor Algebra
- Magnetism & Electromagnetism
- Electromagnetics
- Economics of Power Generation
- DC Generators
- Electrical Engineering Basic Concepts
MCGM Junior Engineer Exam Preparation Tips 2023
The participants can follow the below-mentioned instructions for a simple study plan.
- Download the pdf of the MCGM JE Exam Syllabus 2023 & BMC Junior Engineer Exam Pattern 2023.
- Then, collect full details related to the exam.
- As per your requirement prepare a plan for taking preparation.
- Practice all the subjects regularly.
- Solve the model question papers.
We hope that the details shared on this page will help the aspirants to solve their queries regarding the BMC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2023.
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