Model Sample Paper Forest Guard Forester Manipur Solved Previous Years Question Paper Download PDF

Manipur Forest Department Previous Year Solved Question paper / Model Mock / Sample question answer paper is given for download in PDF format in below link. The answer key / solution / solved question paper MCQ can be downloaded here completely free. The Manipur Forest Guard Previous Year Model Question Paper download link is also given below. The Model solved question paper contains 18 sample questions answers (MCQ) which is from general knowledge. You need to download previous 10 last years question paper for preparing well. The answer keys for the last years paper can also be found on the official website of the Forest Department, Manipur, Imphal.
Download Solved Model Question Paper Manipur Forest Guard Forester PDF:
1) Who was the founder of All Indian Harijan Sangha in 1932?
a) MK Gandhi
b) BR Ambedkar
c) Jagjivan Ram
d) Vinoba Bhave
2) Who gave the ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ slogan?
a) Iqbal
b) MK Gandhi
c) Bhagat singh
d) Subhas Chandra Bose
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3) Who amongst the following was involved in the Alipore Bomb case?
a) SN Banerjee
b) Bipin Chandra Pal
c)Jatin Das
d) Aurobindro Ghosh
4) On October 21, 1943 a provisional government of ‘free India’ was proclaimed in
a) Singapore
b) Rangoon
c) Jakarta
d) Bangkok
5) The land of Bombay was given to the English Prince Charles II as dowry by the
a) Danish
b) Dutch
c) Portuguese
d) English
6) Which of the following mountain ranges separates Europe from Asia?
a) Apenine
b) Black Forest
c) Ural
d) Sulaiman
7) Which one among the following is not a Baltic nation?
a) Lativia
b) Slovakia
c) Lithuania
d) Estonia
8) Which one of the following countries does not have a border with China?
a) Myanmar
b) Afghanistan
c) Thailand
d) Kazakhstan
9) Which one of the following cities is located on the bank of the lrrawady river?
a) Bangkok
b) Hanoi
c) Manila
d) Yangon
10) What is the name given to an almost circular coral reef inside which there is a lagoon?
a) Fringing reef
b) Barrier reef
c) Atoll
d) Isthmus
11) Number of water molecules present in Mohr’s salt is-
a) 4
b) 5
d) 8
12) The iron obtained from blast furnace is-
a) soft iron
b) Pig iron
c) Steel
d) Wrought iron
13) Which of the following is ferrous alloy?
a) Invar
b) Solder
c) Magnalium
d) Type steel
14) Which has maximum ferro-magnetic character?
a) Fe
b) Co
c) Ni
d) Pt
15) Which one of the following is responsible for blue baby syndrome-
a) Fluoride
b) Nitrate
c) Arsenic
d) Lead
16)The term ‘double fault’ is associated with:
a) Baseball
b) Golf
c) Tennis
d) Bridge
17) In which year were the first winter Olympic Games held?
a) 1896
b) 1904
c) 1912
d) 1924
18) First Olympic Games were held in
a) 776 BC
b) 798 BC
c) 876 BC
d) 898 BC
Answers keys / Solution / Solved paper PDF Download Free Fully Solved:
1)a 2) a 3) d 4) a 5) c 6) c 7) b 8) c 9) d 10) c 11) d 12) b 13) a 14) a 15) b 16) c 17) d 18) a.
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