WBPSC JE Result 2023 – Check Cut Off Marks www.pscwbapplication.in: West Bengal Public Service Commission has provided the WBPSC Junior Engineer Recruitment Exam Final Result with advertisement number 25/2017.Final List of Shortlisted candidates for appointment released online. The list of shortlisted candidates called for the interview/personality test is attached below as published on www.pscwbapplication.in.
WBPSC JE ফলাফল 2023 পশ্চিমবঙ্গ পাবলিক সার্ভিস কমিশন (WBPSC) তার অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইটে ঘোষণা করেছে। বিভিন্ন বিভাগে জুনিয়র ইঞ্জিনিয়ারদের নিয়োগের জন্য এই পরীক্ষা নেওয়া হয়েছিল। প্রার্থীরা ওয়েবসাইটে তাদের রোল নম্বর এবং অন্যান্য প্রয়োজনীয় বিবরণ লিখে তাদের ফলাফল পরীক্ষা করতে পারেন। সফল প্রার্থীরা নির্বাচন প্রক্রিয়ার পরবর্তী পর্যায়ে এগিয়ে যাবেন, অন্যদের কাছে ভবিষ্যতের পরীক্ষার জন্য পুনরায় আবেদন করার বিকল্প রয়েছে। সমস্ত যোগ্য প্রার্থীদের অভিনন্দন, এবং যারা এটি করতে পারেনি তাদের জন্য অধ্যবসায় এবং আসন্ন সুযোগগুলির জন্য প্রস্তুতি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।
Updates on WBPSC JE Result 2023 & Links
Marks of Individual Candidates | Available Soon |
JE Civil Final Result | Click Here |
WBPSC Official Cut Off Marks | Click Here |
JE Mechanical Final Result | Click Here |
WBPSC JE Written Exam Result | Click Here |
WBPSC JE Admit Card | Click Here |
WBPSC Junior Engineer Result 2023 JE Civil Mechanical Electrical Engineering Diploma Engineer Cut Off Marks

West Bengal PSC will conduct recruitment examination for the The publication of the result of the West Bengal Public Service Commission to recruit Junior Engineer in the discipline of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical in West Bengal Subordinate Service of Engineering is expected to take place soon after the commencement of the written test.. The date of the publication of the WBPSC JE Result has not been announced on behalf of the commission yet but as it gets announced our website www.jobsandhan.com will notify you about it.
The candidates will be able to check their WBPSC JE Result of the recruitment test for the post of Junior Engineer in the discipline of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical from the official website of West Bengal Public Service Commission : www.pscwbonline.gov.in after the publication of the same, putting their roll number or relevant details.
WBPSC JE Expected cut off marks
The cut off marks for the Junior Engineer Recruitment Examination 2023 in West Bengal Subordinate Service of Engineering through WBPSC has not been declared on behalf of the commission till date but it can be specified in this regard that the selection of the candidates for the appointment of Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical) will be done as per the merit list.
WBPSC JE Civil Cut Off Marks 2017 {Official}
Category | Cut-off Marks (out of 200) |
UR | 80.67 |
BC-A | 61.33 |
BC-B | 80.67 |
SC | 58.00 |
ST | 0.00 |
PH-HI | 0.00 |
PH-VH | 0.00 |
PH-OH | 40.67 |
WBPSC JE Mechanical Cut Off Marks 2017 {Official}
Category | Cut-off Marks (out of 200) |
UR | 152.67 |
BC-A | 122.67 |
BC-B | 152.67 |
SC | 152.00 |
ST | 87.33 |
PH-HI | 2% less in cut off marks as compared to non-PH candidates of any particular category |
PH-VH | |
WBPSC JE Personality Test Cut off Marks 2017 {Official}
Category | Qualifying Marks (Full Marks: 100) |
UR | 40 |
BC-A | 38 |
BC-B | 38 |
SC | 35 |
ST | 30 |
UR PWD | 38 |
BC-A PWD | 36 |
BC-B PWD | 36 |
SC PWD | 33 |
ST PWD | 28 |
WBPSC will soon publish the cut off marks of the WBPSC JE written exam. Diploma engineers were able to appear in the exam. The cut off marks will be decided by the commission as per the median score of all candidates. It will also depend on the number they will be recruiting as engineers. More is given on www.pscwb.org.in.
WBPSC JE Merit List How Result will be Prepared
The Merit list for the recruitment of Junior Engineer in the discipline of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical will be prepared by the West Bengal Public Service Commission considering the two phases of selection test, namely Written Test and Personality Test. The written test will be objective based bearing Multiple Choice Questions types. It will be conducted tentatively on 18.02.23 in North and South Kolkata centres.
Name of the recruiter | West Bengal Public Service Commission |
Post Name | Junior Engineer (JE) |
Exam Date | 18-02-23 |
Result Date | Not yet available |
Location | West Bengal |
When West Bengal Junior Engineer Civil Result will be published on pscwbonline.gov.in:
The candidates getting successfully through the written test will be called for the Personality Test. Afterwards there will be Medical Examination conducted by the WBPSC. The shortlisted candidates of the Personality Test will undergo this examination. The final Merit list will get published after this.
WBPSC JE Recruitment Notification 2023.
Merit list will be published as per the West Bengal PSC instruction. Though the number of vacancy has not been published yet, they will soon be declaring the figure with merit list. The merit list will be separate for each of the departments of civil, mechanical and electrical engineering.
WB JE Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Exam Result 2023
Result of the written exam for Junior Engineer Recruitment 2017 is the most waited event for the Diploma Engineers who appeared in the WBPSC JE exam. The WBPSC JE Result 2023 or merit list as well as cut off marks for WBPSC JE exam is expected to be published on the upcoming months. Most probable date of publishing the result of WBPSC JE recruitment will be notified by the PSC board very soon. Junior Engineer exam which will be held in 2023 will recruit suitable candidates from various disciplines like electrical, mechanical and civil. Cut off marks will be declared department or trade wise for the WBPSC JE Exam 2023.
How to download WBPSC Junior Engineer result 2023
Please go to the link furnished at the last of the page. Enter your application number or roll number as given by the WBPSC during your written exam. After that click submit button. Now your individual result will be in front of your screen where you can choose to download the same for future reference.
Details Method on WBPSC JE Result 2023
- Name of the student
- Registration no.,
- Enrollment number,
- Date of birth,
- Marks obtained in each subject,
- Practical marks/internal assessment (if applicable),
- Theory marks,
- Course/programs,
- Semester,
- Hall ticket no.,
- Gender,
- Date of exam,
- Category,
- Total marks,
- Marks percentage,
- Result status
Download WBPSC JE Exam Merit List 2023
Result for the mentioned exam has not been published yet. We have given the link in which it will be published. To know more on the expected date for publishing of WBPSC JE Result 2023, keep in touch with our website. We will fully automate the process for you. You can directly go to the downloading link from where the result will be made available for download.
For more information, keep visiting www.jobsandhan.com. Also, visit the official website www.pscwbonline.gov.in or www.pscwbapplication.in.
For results in 2023, see the results area of the WBPSC’s official website, per the post.
The WBPSC JE result 2023 will be announced soon, and as soon as it is, candidates will be notified of the same.
It will be simpler for you to review the results if you have a hard copy handy, but it is not required.
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