HPPSC Recruitment 2024 Naib Tehsildar & Tehsil Welfare Officer Vacancy 20 Posts Himachal Pradesh
HPPSC Naib Tehsildar Recruitment 2024 Tehsil Welfare Officer Vacancy Himachal Pradesh: HPPSC has invited online application from eligible candidates for the post of Naib Tehsildar, ‘A’ Class, Class- ll (Gazetted) (on regular basis) in the Department of Revenue, Himachal Pradesh and Tehsil Welfare Officer, Class- ll (Non-Gazetted) (on contract basis) in the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment through advertisement no 03/2024. Candidates must check their eligibility criteria before applying to the latest HPPSC Naib Tehsildar Recruitment for Naib Tehsildar and Tehsil Welfare Officer Jobs 2023. Eligible candidates can apply online through the website www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc which is the official website of Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission from 03.02.23 to 22.02.23 (till 11:59 pm). 20 number of vacancies for the post has been advertised. Number of post may increase or decrease as the HP PSC Board decides. Her we have discussed about vacancy details, educational qualification, age limits, salary structure, selection process and eligibility criteria for the Naib Tehsildar posts of HPPSC in 2024.
Details of the post and vacancy
- Naib Tehsildar, ‘A’ Class, Class- ll (Gazetted) (on regular basis) in the Department of Revenue, H.P.- 09 posts
- Tehsil Welfare Officer, Class- ll (Non- Gazetted) (on contract basis) in the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, H.P.- 11 posts
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Category wise number of vacancies
For Naib Tehsildar
- General- 08 posts
- OBC- 01 post
For Tehsil Welfare Officer
- UR- 11 posts
- UR Ex-SM- 03 posts
- ST/ OBC and O.H- 01 post each
Important dates of Recruitment 2024
- Starting date of online application- 03.02.23
- Last date for submission of online application- 22.02.23 (till 11:59 pm).
Required educational qualification for the post
Candidates should have graduate degree from any recognized university/ institution in any subject for both the posts.
Salary structure
For Naib Tehsildar
Staffs recruited in the post of Naib Tehsildar posts in Himachal Pradesh will be paid monthly in Pay band of Rs 10300- 34800 + Rs 4800 (Grade pay)
For Tehsil Welfare Officer
Pay band- Rs 10300- 34800 + Rs 4200 (Grade pay)
Age limits
For Naib Tehsildar
Candidates should be minimum 21 years and maximum 45 years as on 01.01.18.
For Tehsil Welfare Officer
Lower age limit is 18 years and upper age limit is 45 years. The age will be calculated as on 01.01.18.
Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ ST/ OBC candidates of H.P./ WFF of H.P./ Persons with disabilities of H.P. For H.P. Government employees and Ex-Serviceman upper age limit is relaxable as per the rules of the Government.
Examination fee
- General category- Rs 400
- SCof H.P./ ST of H.P./ OBC of H.P- Rs100
- Ex-Serviceman of H.P./ Visually impaired of H.P.- Nil
Selection process of HPPSC Naib Tehsildar Posts
Selection of the candidates for both of the posts will be done on the basis of written exam and viva-voce/ personal interview.
Check here Detailed Prelims & Mains Exam Syllabus HPPSC Naib Tehsildar Recruitment 2024
How to apply
Candidates can apply online through the website www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc for both the posts. Any other mode of application will not be accepted. Print the form and keep it for future use as HPPSC Naib Tehsildar Recruitment you may be required to present the form along with the required certificates during the interview process. For more information, visit the links below –
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Click Here.
Clerk TGT Surveyor Vacancy in HPPSC (Himachal Pradesh PSC) – apply online on hpsssb.hp.gov.in
HPPSC will recruit candidates in various posts in 2016 under various department of Himachal Pradesh state govt. Recruitment notification has been published on the official website of Public Service Commission (PSC) with advertisement no 32-2/2016.
Details of the post and vacancy:
Various posts will be recruited in which total 1007 candidates will be recruited. We have given below some important posts and respective vacancy details.
Clerk – 103 Posts,
TGT (arts) – 225 Posts,
TGT (Non-medical) in Elementary Education – 145 Posts,
Junior Office assistants (accounts) in HPSEBL – 79 posts,
Junior Draughtsman (Civil) – 55 posts,
Surveyor in (I & PH) – 110 posts,
HP Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPTCL) – 22 posts for JE (Elect.)
For category wise vacancy list for each posts, download the full advertisement notification from official website.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility for TGT – Candidates must have passed Graduation (NM) with 50% and should possess B.Ed. They should also have passed TET conducted by HP Board.
For Clerk (contractual basis) – Candidates must have passed 12th / Higher Secondary from recognized institution. They should also have proficiency in computer operation and required typing speed.
For Junior office assistant (accountants) – B.Com from recognized institution.
For some posts candidates must possess prescribed physical standards.
Important Dates of Recruitment:
Starting of Online application form fill up – 20-05-2024.
Last date for application form receipt – 21-06-2024.
Salary Structure:
Clerks will be paid in the pay scale of Rs 5,910 – 20,200 with grade pay of 1,900.
Selection Process / Exam Pattern:
Please visit Exam Syllabus for the HPPSC Recruitment.
Age Limit:
Lower Limit = 18 years,
Upper Limit = 45 years.
Age will be calculated as on 1-01-2024. SC ST category candidates will be given relaxation in upper age limit.
How to Apply:
Online application form will be available from the dates mentioned above. Fill up the form and submit it after successful fee payment. You don’t need to send the hard copies anywhere.
Assistant Engineer (AE), Medical Officer, Professor Vacancy in HPPSC
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has published official HPPSC Naib Tehsildar Recruitment notification for the induction of various posts in the state for 2016. Assistant Engineer, Medical Officer, Professor will be recruited by HPPSC for these 86 posts. For more information you can visit the website of PSC.
Total vacancy for the HPPSC posts has been declared as 86. Below is the post wise vacancy break up list. Vacancy will also be reserved for SC ST PH category candidates.
Medical Officer General Wing – 50,
Assistant Engineer – 17,
Professor – 05,
Assistant Professor – 12,
Law Officer – 01,
Divisional Fire Officer/ Fire Prevention Officer – 01 posts.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility for Medical Officer in HPPSC – Candidates must have a medical degree (MBBS) for applying to the medical officer post.
For assistant engineer (AE) – Civil engineering degree or B.tech in Civil Engineering is must for applying to the post.
For Professor – Candidates should possess B.E / B.Tech with first class and should also have PhD in relevant field.
Important Dates of Recruitment:
Last date for application form fill up – 21-06-2016.
Salary Structure:
Recruited staffs will be paid in the pay scale of Rs 15,600 – 39,100. But their grade pay will be different as per the posts.
For some posts the basic pay scale is Rs 10,300 – 34,800 with grade pay of Rs 4,200 or 4,400. Other allowances will also be given to the candidates.
Selection Process / Exam Pattern:
Candidates will be recruited on the basis of written exam and / or interview. HPPSC may change the recruitment pattern for the selection of suitable candidates in the above posts.
Age Limit:
Lower Limit = 18 years.
Upper Limit = 45 years for most of the posts.
Calculation of the age will be done as on 1-01-2016. Age relaxation will be given for the SC ST candidates.
Candidates can apply for the posts in HPPSC through ORA or online HPPSC Naib Tehsildar Recruitment application form available on the official portal of the PSC. For any clarification regarding the HPPSC application form fill up or any recruitment related query please contact HPPSC toll free number 18001808004.
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