Recruitment Process of Tradesman, MTS and other Posts in Field ammunition Depot & Physical Eligibility Written Exam Syllabus
Selection process and exam pattern of various posts in Field ammunition depot (FAD) contains several steps including physical measurements and physical endurance test followed by written tests. Central govt has omitted the interview process so the Group D posts like Tradesman (Mazdoor), Fireman, MTS (Multi Tasking Staff), Clerks, Painter are recruited without interview. But they have to pass some steps before joining to the field ammunition depot posts throughout the country. We have given here the detailed recruitment procedure including the syllabus and exam pattern of written exam on the following post.
Selection Process of Field ammunition depot (under Indian army) –
Tradesman, Fireman and some of the posts where physical work is required are recruited on passing the physical eligibility first. It is of two types and they are –
1) Physical Measurement or Physical Standards Test where the physical parameters of the candidates are measured. The physical measurements are given on recruitment notification post – Tradesman Recruitment in 33 Field Ammunition Depot (FAD) 444 Post.
2) Physical Endurance Test (PET) – In this test some activities are to be performed by the candidates like Weigh Lifting, Long Jump, Run etc. They have to qualify in each of the tests to proceed in the next step.
For the posts of Tradesman there is no Physical Measurements test required. Candidates will face the Physical endurance tests only. Physical tests will be conducted before written test to shortlist the candidates to qualify for the written. Physical tests most probably are conducted on the respective units of Field ammunition Depot.
3) Written Exam (150 marks) – Candidates applying for all the posts must pass the written exam. The Written Exam will be objective in nature where multiple choice questions or MCQs will come. The duration of the test will be 2 hours. Candidates must clear the cut off marks for being qualified. Merit list will be prepared for those who have passed in the written exam.
Exam Pattern / Syllabus of the written test:
Subject wise marks break up in the written exam is as follows –
i) General Intelligence & Reasoning (GI) (25 marks) – 25 questions will be there each carrying 1 mark.
ii) Numerical aptitude (25 marks) – 25 questions of 1 marks each, the standards of the paper will be of Matric Level.
iii) General English (50 Marks) – 50 questions will be there. Questions from English comprehension grammar will come.
iv) General awareness (GK) (50 marks) – This will comprise of 50 question of 1 marks each and will contain current affairs, history, geography and other subjects. You can check our study material section for easy to remember notes on various subject and model question paper.
Final selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of merit list only. It is still not clear if there will be negative marking or not. However you should also check the previous year question papers of the Field ammunition depot (FAD) to get an idea of the standard or difficulty level of the question paper.
For further clarification on written exam syllabus you may visit the – Official Website.
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