LDC, Tradesman Mate, Material assistant posts in Kanpur Central Ordnance Depot 2024 Vacancy

The Central Ordnance Depot has issued recruitment notification for the recruitment of around 141 different posts. Job advertisement notification of LDC (lower division clerk), material assistant and other posts. Vacancy will be reserved for Ex-serviceman, Physically Handicapped candidates and meritorious sportsperson also. Those who are willing to apply may see the below listed information. All the info has been extracted from the Central Ordnance Depot advertisement 44149/RECT/ESTT (CELL – 01) which has been published on their official website.
Details of the post and vacancy:
Vacancy for following posts are going to be filled up (post wise vacancy break up list has also been given) –
1) Lower Division Clerk (LDC) – 46,
2) Material assistant – 30,
3) Pharmacist – 1,
4) MTS (multi-tasking staff) – 3,
5) Telephone operator – 2,
6) Fireman – 28,
7) Civilian Motor Driver – 1,
8) MTS (safaiwala) – 6,
9) Barber – 2,
10) Cook – 3,
11) Washer man – 2,
12) Vendor – 1,
13) Tradesman – 145
Important Dates of Recruitment:
Candidates have to submit the application within such a day so that the office gets receipt within 21 days after the advertisement has been published in the employment newspaper, For the candidates who are living in the remote areas, last date has been declared as 28 days after the day of advertisement publishing.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility criteria for all the posts have been given in this website – indianarmy.nic.in.
Salary Structure:
Salary will be different for all the posts. Though they will be given same pay scale that is Rs 5,200 –20,200 but their grade pay will be different. The pay scale is also called pay band 1 or PB1. Grade Pay will vary between Rs 1900, 1800 and 2800.
Age Limit:
Please visit the official website (link is given below) to know the post wise age limitation.
Selection Process / Exam Pattern:
Recruitment will be done on the basis of written test / trade test / interview. Scheme and syllabus for the written test will be published in due time.
How to Apply:
Candidates have to fill up the form in prescribed format. Other than the required format, the application will not be accepted. Attach photocopy of all the required documents with the application and send it to the address of Central Ordnance Depot as given in the advertisement. Your application should reach the office before the last date.
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Download From Here.
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