Download Solved Model Question Paper Previous Years Free PDF / Sample Paper (preliminary and final)
Andhra Pradesh Police Constable Exam Paper (model question / solved paper / answer keys) is given below. The sample paper can be downloaded from the link given below in PDF format. You can also download AP Constable Previous Years Question Paper from the official website with solution or fully solved from the official website of ap police department. Both the preliminary and final / main question paper for last years are required to be solved for more scores. You need to solve last 10 years ap police SCT constable and warder for more score in the written exam / pre and mains test.
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1) Which of the following religions got spread in different parts of Asia?
a) Buddhism b) Jainism c) Hinduism d) None of the above.
2) Who of the following was associated with the August offer?
a) Lord Wavell b) Lord Irwin c) Lord Linlithgow d)Lord Mountbatten.
3) Asoka, the Great conquered Kalinga in the year
a) 261 BC b) 58 BC c) 261 AD d) 78 AD.
Click to see AP Police Constable Physical Requirement Eligibility Criteria.
4) At which one of the following places did Mahatma Gandhi first start his Satyagraha in india?
a) Ahmedabad b) Bardoli c) Champaran d) Kheda.
5) Al beruni came to India with
a) Mahmud of Ghazni b) Alexandar c) Babur d) Timur.
6) Summer solstice in the southern Hemisphere occurs on
a) December 22 b) September 23 c) June 21 d) March 21.
7) What approximate percentage of world’s population lives in Asia?
a) 30% b) 35% c) 45% d) More than 50%.
8) Which of the following countries is the biggest producer of mango?
a) India b) China c) Indonesia d) Malaysia.
9) Lake Van-Gold is situated in
a) Iran b) Iraq c) Jordan d) Turkey.
10) The oldest mountains in India according to geographical history are
a) satpuras b) Nilgiri c) Vindhyas d) Aravallis.
Click to see – AP Constable Recruitment Process Exam Syllabus Written Test.
11) Which among the following is the exclusive jurisdiction of the state Governments?
a) Corporation Tax b) Customs duty Tax c) Sales Tax d) Income Tax.
12) The time gap between two session of the Parliament should not exceed
a) 3 month b) 6 months c) 9 months d) 1 year.
13) One of the following states is not included in the Eastern Zonal Council
a) Bihar b) Sikkim c) Odisha d) Paschim banga.
14) The Rajya Sabha has a life of
a) 2 years b) 6 years c) 7 years d) Permanency.
15) The Chairman and members of the UPSC hold officer for a term of
a) three years b) four years c) five years d) six years.
16) Which Bank given long term loan to farmers?
a) NABARD b) Land Development Bank c) SBI d) Rural Banks.
17) The minimum effect of direct taxes is on
a) Food price b) consumer goods c) capital goods d) income.
18) Approximately what percentage of Indian population is living below poverty line?
a) 18 b) 26 c) 29 d) 31.
19) The Fiscal Policy of India is formulated by
a) RBI b) SEBI c) Finance Ministry d) Planning Commission.
20) Temporary tax levied to obtain additional revenue is called ?
a) cess b) rate c) fee d) surcharge.
21) Which one is not produce by sound waves in air?
a) refraction b) polarization c) diffraction d) reflection.
22) When we speak into a microphone, what type of vibrations the diaphragm executes?
a) free b) Forced c) Resonant d) None of these.
23) Milk, mayonnaise are the examples of
a) sol b) gel c) emulsion d) foam.
24) The coil in a heater is made of
a) Nichrome b) tungsten c) copper d) iron.
25) Who coined the term nucleolus?
a) Fontana b) Robert Brown c) Camillo Golgi d) Strasburger.
26) TRIPS and TRIMS are the terms associated with
a) IMF b) wto C) tbrd D) ida.
27) MERCOSUR consists of a group of countries of
a) Africa b) Asia c) Latin America d) South East Asia.
28) What is the total membership of the Commonwealth?
a) 42 b) 44 c) 54 d) 52.
29) The term ‘Tee’ is connected with
a) Polo b) Golf c) Bridge d) Billiards.
30) Nobel prizes are distributed annually at
a) Manila b) Stockholm c) Geneva d) New York.
ANSWER Key download
1)a 2) c 3) a 4) c 5) a 6) a 7) d 8) a 9) d 10) d 11) c 12) b 13) b 14) d 15) d 16) b 17) c 18) b 19) d 20) c 21) b 22) b 23) c 24) a 25) a 26) b 27) c 28) c 29) b 30) b.
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