Educational & Physical Requirements (eye sight) for the Andhra Pradesh Police SCT Constable Exam is given below. Constable and warder is recruited by AP Police dept each year. The police department has already given the minimum eligibility criteria and minimum physical requirement for the exam. Those who are willing AP Police Constable Physical Requirement to appear for the exam must have some basic educational criteria which is mentioned below. The minimum height, chest, weigh requirements are also given in this post which is measured during the Physical Measurement test or PMT. In Physical Efficiency Test or (PET) the candidates should also perform some activity for qualifying the exam like race / run, high jump log jump etc in a given maximum time limit. All these are discussed below.
Latest Update: एपी पुलिस कांस्टेबल शारीरिक आवश्यकता पात्रता मानदंड यह सब जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए यहां दिया गया है और अधिक जानने के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट का पालन करें आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जा सकते हैं |

AP Police Constable Physical Requirement Overview
Name Of The Organization | Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board |
Post Name | Police Constable |
Vacancies | 6025 |
Application Staring Date | March 2024 |
Exam Date | Available Soon |
Official Website | |
Click to see AP Police Constable Recruitment 2024 SCT Warder 4548 Posts.
Selection Process :-
- Preliminary Written Exam
- Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
- Physical Efficiency Test
- Final Written Exam
- Merit List
Minimum Education Eligibility:
Candidates must have passed 12th or intermediate exam. SC ST candidates should have appeared in 1st and 2nd year of exam. The appearing candidates may apply for the post but they should have passing certificate within 1st July 2024. There is no minimum marks requirement in 12th Passing exam.
Minimum Physical Requirement:
Candidates must have chest and height requirement as given below –
Male and female Height and chest requirement are different.
Height should be minimum 167.6 cms.
Chest should be minimum 86.3 cms.
There will be relaxation in height and chest requirement for the SC ST OBC category candidates.
There is also weight requirement for the warder post.
Eyesight Requirement for Police Constable Post
Candidates should also possess minimum eye power requirement (spectacle / lens) as given below –
Right Eye Left Eye
(i) Distant Vision — 6/6 6/6
(ii) Near Vision — 0/5 0/5
Click to see AP Constable Recruitment Process Exam Syllabus Written Test.
PMT Test:
In Physical or Medical measurement test, the candidates should be checked for height, weight and chest minimum physical standard possession.
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for ap police constable:
Candidates need to qualify 100 meter, 1600 meter race and long jump within maximum time limit. Candidates Men and Women candidates must qualify in 1600 Meters run (1 Mile Run)
and one out of remaining two events.
The minimum time for male and female candidates for run / race and long jump meter distance is given below.

For study materials and other job news visit
For candidates who passed the preliminary exam, a new admit card will be made available.
The ST & Aboriginal Tribes will be eligible for relaxations.
Depending on the sub-posts, the age restriction ranges from 18 to 22 years old.
Best Of Luck.
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