WB Excise SI Result 2024 available soon. Check WB Police Excise Sub Inspector Cut off Marks 2024 expected in this post. WBPRB SI Merit List 2024 Publishing Date will soon be out. Candidates should first prepare for the written test and physical tests. After the same is conducted then they can discuss about the written test cut off marks for the test in the comments section.
The publication of the WB Excise SI Result of West Bengal Police Recruitment Board conducted examination for the selection of the candidates for the post of Sub-Inspector / Lady Sub-Inspector of Excise is expected to take place shortly after the commencement of the Preliminary Examination.
Declared Now WB Police SI Result 2024 Declared Lady SI Cut Off Marks
নমস্কার প্রার্থীরা যারা পশ্চিমবঙ্গ এক্সাইজ সাব ইন্সপেক্টর পদের পরীক্ষার জন্য তৈরি হচ্ছেন তারা জানেন পশ্চিমবঙ্গের অনেক বড় একটি recruitment SI. এই পদে জন্য আবেদনপত্র জমা নেয়া হয়েছে 2nd ফেব্রুয়ারি থেকে 4th মার্চ 2024 পর্যন্ত. আশা করা যায় আপনারা সবাই আবেদনপত্র সঠিক সময়ে জমা দিয়েছেন |এবার প্রশ্ন হল ডিপার্টমেন্ট কবে WB Excise SI Result প্রকাশ করবে? department পরীক্ষার দুই থেকে তিন মাসের মধ্যেই ফলাফল প্রকাশ করে দেবেন.
West Bengal Excise Department has conducted the written test on 26th August 2024. Please check the expected cut off marks and expected result publishing date from post given below.
WB Excise Sub Inspector Result 2024 Merit List Expected Cut Off Marks Written Exam Prelims Test www.policewb.gov.in
Though the date for conducting the same has not yet been announced on behalf of the recruitment board till date but this is why the candidates are urged to keep checking the official websites of WBPRB www.policewb.gov.in or www.excise.wb.gov.in. We will also update information regarding the publishing of WB Excise SI Result and will let you know when the result will be published.
WB Excise Sub Inspector (SI) Result 2024
हमने यहां सभी परीक्षण संबंधी जानकारी दी हैं-
Total No Posts | 161 posts. |
Posts Name | Sub Inspector (SI) & Lady Sub-Inspector |
Name of the Organisation | West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) |
Category | WB Excise SI Result. |
Job Location | West Bengal. |
Official Website | www.policewb.gov.in or www.excise.wb.gov.in |
Selection Process | Prelims, PMT, PET, Mains Exam, Personality Test. |
WB Excise SI Result 2024 – Important Date
Application Starting Date | March 2024 |
Application Last Date | April 2024 |
Admit card Released Date | May 2024 |
Exam Date | Not Published |
Result Published Date | Not Published |
Latest Update:পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উপ পরিদর্শক ফলাফল পরীক্ষার 2 থেকে 3 মাস পর প্রকাশিত হবে |
Check Details of West Bengal Police Excise Department Recruitment & Vacancy.
West Bengal Police Excise SI Result 2024
West Bengal Police Department will conduct written test / recruitment examination for Sub Inspector posts in Excise Department in the state of West Bengal. The Sub Inspectors will be recruited through written test, physical tests and subsequent steps which we already have mentioned while discussing about the Syllabus & Selection Process of WBPRB Excise Sub Inspector posts.
West Bengal Excise SI Vacancy Details 2024
For the category of wb excise si, how many terms will be given for the categories are shown to you through a list below-
Category | Vacancy |
ST (EC) | 1 Post. |
ST | 9 Posts. |
OBC -B | 10 Posts. |
OBC – B (EC) | 2 Posts. |
UR | 62 Posts. |
SC | 28 Posts. |
UR (EC) | 25 Posts. |
OBC -A | 14 Posts. |
OBC -A (EC) | 3 Posts. |
SC (EC) | 7 Posts. |
Total | 161 Posts. |
The Excise SI Syllabus can be seen as –
Below is a list of the subjects to be examined and the number of points on each subject-
Subject Name | Marks |
General Knowledge & Current Affairs | 40 Marks |
English | 40 Marks |
Test of Language (Bengali/Nepali) | 40 Marks |
Reasoning | 40 Marks |
Elementary Mathematics | 40 Marks |
West Bengal Excise Sub Inspector Result 2024
How the merit list will be prepared for West Bengal Police Excise Sub Inspector / Lady SI 2024: The preparation of the Merit list of the Sub-Inspector / Lady Sub-Inspector of Excise by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board will undergo a handful of steps. At first, there will be a Preliminary Examination conducted to shortlist the candidates for the Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and Physical Efficiency Test (PST).
So, basically it will be a MCQ based screening test bearing 200 marks where the candidates will have to attend questions on General Knowledge, Current Affairs, language (Bengali / Nepali), English, Elementary Mathematics and Reasoning etc. Scoring qualifying marks in this test will enable the candidates to appear for the next level of selection process that is PMT and PET. Candidates must appear in the exam with valid Admit Card downloaded from the official website.
WB Excise Sub Inspector Merit List 2024
Thereafter getting successfully through this phase, the candidates will be required to appear in the WBPRB Final Combined Competitive Examination that will consist 3 papers, Paper-I will contain questions from General Studies, Logical and Analytical Reasoning and Arithmetic, Paper-II will contain questions on English and Paper-III will contain questions on Bengali / Urdu / Nepali / Hindi. The test of all three papers will be conducted on the same calendar day. Scoring above the cut off marks is needed to get a call for the Personal Interview round. On the same day, the verification of the original documents will also be done by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board.
আপনারা নিয়মিত তথ্যের জন্য আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজ লক্ষ্য করতে পারেন এছাড়া আপনাদের যদি কোন জিজ্ঞাসা থাকে তা জানবার জন্য মন্তব্য বক্সে মন্তব্য করতে পারেন |ধন্যবাদ এরকম আরো নতুন নতুন তথ্য যা আপনাদের অনেক সাহায্য করবে আমরা নিয়মিত আপনাদের কাছে নিয়ে আসব এছাড়া আর যদি সরকারি চাকরি সম্পর্কে জানতে চান কিংবা পূর্ববর্তী বছরের প্রশ্নপত্র ,গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন আমরা এখানে দিয়ে থাকি যা আপনাদের পরীক্ষায় ভীষণভাবে সাহায্য করবে |
WB Excise SI Cut Off Marks 2024 Written Test
Cut off Marks or minimum qualifying score of West Bengal Police Excise SI Written Test for General, OBC, SC, ST category is yet to get announced. As we know that the cut off marks for the posts of WB Police Excise SI depends on the category of the candidates, it will be different for all the posts. Candidates may be informed about the cut off marks 2024 after the written test result is out or the whole examination / selection process is over.
Category wise cut off marks:
Category | Cut off marks |
UR | To be Updated Soon |
SC | Provided later |
ST | Same |
OBC | NA |
PH | Yet to be declared |
The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board has not declared the cut off marks for any of the tests conducted for the selection of Sub-Inspector / Lady Sub-Inspector of Excise but it will be declared in due course of time considering the total number of candidates applying for the post.
West Bengal Sub Inspector Selection Process:
প্রতি বছরের মতো এবছরও wb excise si 161 টি পদের জন্য পরীক্ষা নিয়েছেন West Bengal Police Recruitment Board | যারা এই পরীক্ষায় উত্তীর্ণ হবে তারা এ পদে যোগ্য বলে গ্রহণ করা হবে | যে সমস্ত পরীক্ষার ওপর ভিত্তি করে নির্বাচন করা হবে তার একটি তালিকা নিচে দেওয়া হল-
Physical Measurement Test (PMT) |
Written Examination |
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) |
Physical Endurance Test (PET) |
Documents Verification |
Previous Years Cut Off Marks may be uploaded by the department on the official website if the authority does it.
For other valuable information, candidates are requested to keep visiting our site and also bookmark our website www.jobsandhan.com by pressing Control + D in your computer and by manually on your mobile.
So, while forming the WBPRB final merit list, the total marks acquired by the candidates in the Final Combined Competitive Examination and Personal Interview will be considered for the post of Sub-Inspector / Lady Sub-Inspector of Excise.
Data Mentioned On WB Excise SI Result 2024
- Name
- Date of birth,
- Registration no.,
- Enrollment number,
- Theory marks,
- Date of exam,
- Category,
- Course/programs,
- Total marks,
- Result status
- Semester,
- Hall ticket no.,
- Gender,
WB Excise SI Result के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए keep visiting recruitment.jobsandhan.com.
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