UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 मंडी परिषद UPSSSC मंडी मार्किट इंस्पेक्टर का रिजल्ट: The official of the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has conducted the UPSSSC Mandi Inspector Exam on 30th May 2023.

Check UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 – Click here
The postulants are now eagerly waiting for the UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 . As per the info, the recruitment authority is about to declare the UPSSSC Mandi Inspector Result 2023 . Further, analyze the cut off marks and merit list from the following sections.
Also Check UPSSSC Assistant Boring Technician Result 2023 Merit List.
Latest Update on 31st August 2023 – UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Recruitment Notice was published in 2018. The results were released several days after the test. Those of you who have not yet been able to check the results from the official website, you must check the results by clicking on the link provided by us.
उप मंडी परिषद इंस्पेक्टर का रिजल्ट कब आएगा?
उप मंडी परिषद् परीक्षा का रिजल्ट मई महीने में निकल सकता है। डिपार्टमेंट ने ३० मई २०१९ को लिखित परीक्षा का आयोजन किया था।रिजल्ट कब आएगा यह जानने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे और निचे दिए गए टेबल को ध्यान से पढ़े –
Answer Key | |
Advertisement Link | |
Apply Online link | |
Official Website |
Important Date
Application Starting Date | February 2023 |
Application Last Date | March 2023 |
Admit Card Released Date | April 2023 |
Exam Date | May 2023 |
Result Published Date | Not Published |
Answer Key for UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Combined Recruitment Written Exam for inspector, Supervisor etc posts have been published for Advertisement No 08/2018. Check the notification related to the Answer Key release from below –
UPSSSC Mandi Inspector Result 2023 Market Inspector Merit List
The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC) is going to hire suitable aspirants to fill the vacancies. Regarding this, the officials have declared a UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 recruitment notice a few days ago.

As per the info, there are 284 positions are available for Mandi Inspector Amin/ Auctioneer, Stenographer, Junior Assistant, Clerk, Market Supervisor Grade-II Vacancies. Furthermore, the UPSSSC officials have conducted the exam on 30th May 2019. The individuals who will clear the exam with secure marks will be eligible for the UPSSSC Jobs 2023.
Name of Recruitment Organization | Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC) |
Name of Job Role | Mandi Inspector, Amin/ Auctioneer, Stenographer, Junior Assistant, Account Clerk, Market Supervisor Grade-II |
Total Available Vacancies | 284 |
Selection Process | Written Exam |
Work Place | Uttar Pradesh |
Qualification | Bachelor Degree |
Official Page | |
UP Mandi Parishad Cut Off Marks 2023
To get qualified for the further selection rounds the aspirants have to clear the exam with minimum qualifying marks. Mainly, that required qualifying marks is known as the cutoff marks. The aspirants who will fail to obtain the UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 will be disqualified for the jobs.
Furthermore, it will be accessible from the official page. Besides that, the recruitment crew will decide the UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 based on vacancies available, the toughness of the exam, previous year cutoff marks, category of the candidates, etc.
Categories | Marks |
UR | 70% |
ST | 65% |
SC | 60% |
OBC | 55% |
Data Mentioned On UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023
- Name of the Candidates
- Father’s Name
- Roll number
- Registration number
- Practical marks
- Overall marks
- Theory marks
- Result status
UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Vacancies Details
Name of the post | Vacancy |
Stenographer | 10 |
Market Supervisor | 10 |
Accounting Clerk | 48 |
Market Inspector (Ameen) | 181 |
Junior Assistant | 35 |
Total | 284 |
Find out UPSSSC JE Result 2023 & Cut Off Marks.
उप मंडी परिषद Merit List 2023
The UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 will contain the name and roll number of the eligible postulants. After the completion of all the recruitment levels, this list will be prepared. Based on the marks secured in the exam the aspirants will get a place on UPSSSC Mandi Inspector Merit List 2023.
So, verify the UPSSSC Merit List 2023 carefully. If your name is presented there then you will be appointed for the jobs. Following data will be mentioned in the UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 –
Download UPSSSC Chakbandi Lekhpal Admit Card 2023 Exam Date.
How To Download Mandi Parishad Result?
Follow the guidelines prescribed below to access the UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 –
- Firstly, follow the official page of the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission that is
- Instantly, you will be directed to the homepage of the board.
- Now, find out the UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 Link as shown in the Image below.
- Click on the UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result link and download the PDF file.
- Finally, the main page will be available including the UP Mandi Inspector result.
Syllabus Details
Name of the Subject | Maximum Marks |
General Intelligence Test | 100 |
General Hindi | 100 |
General Science & Arithmetic | 100 |
General Knowledge | 100 |
Total | 400 |
हम जानते हैं कि हम इस बारे में सोचते हैं कि परीक्षा देने के बाद कट ऑफ अंक कितना हो सकता है.हमने हर साल कट ऑफ मार्क के साथ यहां दिया है. कमेंटबॉक्स में हमें बताएं कि इस साल कट-ऑफ मार्क्स कितने जा सकते हैं. आप उपरोक्त विधि में कट ऑफ अंक की जांच कर सकते हैं. यदि विभाग इस वर्ष में कट ऑफ अंक या परिणाम के बारे में कोई जानकारी प्रदान करता है, तो हम इसे यहां ले जाएंगे ताकि आपको इसके बारे में चिंता न करनी पड़े।
As the answer key has been published, It is expected that the Mandi Parishad result will be published after lockdown ends.
You can check the UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result of the competitive written exam on
You need to provide your Roll Number & Date of Birth. If the authority provides Merit list of the Mandi Inspector exam 2023, then you need not enter anything. Just download the merit list and search your roll number.
UP मंडी परिषद इंस्पेक्टर parinam download karne ke lie apko die gye PDF file ko download karna padega aur us file me name search karna padega.
There is good news for those of you who are preparing for government exams and are waiting for assistant recruitment. We are publishing everything from government recruitment to admit card UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Result 2023 and if you want to get new information, you have to come to our website regularly.
For more information related to the UPSSSC Mandi Parishad Inspector Result 2023 , keep visiting Thank You!
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