Exam Pattern of UPSSSC combined assistant accountant & auditor syllabus download

Recruitment process of Auditor and assistant accountant in UPSSSC is discussed here. The UPSSSC Assistant Accountant Auditor Syllabus 2023 for the written exam of the above mentioned is also given here. Candidates must be aware of the selection procedure and exam pattern for the recruitment drive. Detailed UPSSSC Assistant Accountant Auditor Exam Syllabus 2023 is given here which is available to download.
UPSSSC Assistant Accountant Auditor Exam Syllabus – Click Here
Recruitment Process / Exam Pattern:
There are two steps for the purpose of recruitment of the auditor and assistant accountant. The combined auditor exam comprises of written exam (180 marks) and interview (20 marks) consisting of total 200 marks. The recruitment procedure and exam pattern is given below. Paper will be bilingual that is in Hindi and English both.
Written Exam Pattern (180 marks):
Written exam is the first step of combined assistant accountant and auditor recruitment exam by UPSSSC. The written exam consists of 180 marks. There are 4 parts in the written test. The first 3 parts consists of 40 marks each and the last part consists of trade knowledge or accountancy knowledge UPSSSC Assistant Accountant Auditor Syllabus 2023 of the candidates. The part 4 comprises of 60 marks question. Each question carries 1 mark. There is negative marking of if a candidates gives a wrong answer.
Duration of the exam is 2.30 hours. The question of the exam paper is objective type and will have to be answered in OMR sheet. The candidates must practice filling up the OMR sheet.
Syllabus of the Written Exam:
Questions will come from the following subjects, according the marks distribution is given below –
General Hindi – 40 marks,
General aptitude – 40 marks,
General awareness (GK) – 40 marks,
Accountancy and arithmetic knowledge – 60 marks.
Detailed UPSSSC Assistant Accountant Auditor Syllabus 2023 is attached as an image below (sorry for not having it in English language)
The final step in the recruitment process of auditor and assistant accountant is interview or personality test. Candidates shortlisted through the written exam will be called UPSSSC Assistant Accountant Auditor Syllabus 2023 for interview. Those shortlisted candidates need to appear in front of UPSSSC recruitment board to face the final step of the exam. Questions from subjects will be asked and also their personality and computer knowledge will also be asked.
So be prepare with the knowledge of your subjects studied in the graduation level.
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Final Merit List:
Final merit list will be prepared on the basis of Written Exam and interview. UPSSSC will consider candidates’ score on the scale of total 200 marks (180+20). The shortlisted candidates will UPSSSC Assistant Accountant Auditor Syllabus 2023 be given joining letter by UPSSSC from www.upsssc.gov.in.
If you want to know other information regarding the recruitment you can log on to Official Website.
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