Download UPSRTC Bus Conductor Merit List 2024 PDF – Samvida Parichalak Bharti Result & Cut Off @ It has been mentioned that the UPSRTC Samvida conductor Result will be prepared on the basis of intermediate marks of the applicant. Minimum eligibility criteria for the Uttar Pradesh SRTC conductor Bharti Intermediate or 12th class pass.
Also Read – UP GDS Recruitment 2024.
There will be no written test or other examination for this latest UPSRTC Samvida conductor recruitment for 333 posts advertised on 4th August 2024.From 16th August interested applicants can submit online application form on the website. last date of form fill-up as 18th August.
Latest Update: Result for the Conductor will soon be published by UPSRTC in February 2024 tentatively. Read the official notice about UPSRTC Samvida Parichalak Bharti below:

UPSRTC Conductor Merit List 2024 Saharanpur संविदा परिचालक
Name of the Authority | Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (UPSRTC) |
Name of the Post | Bus Conductor (Samvida Parichalak) |
UPSRTC Bus Conductor Result Date | February 2024 (Expected) |
Starting Date of Applying Online | 01/12/2022 |
Last Date of Applying Online | 08/12/2022 |
Districts | Kaushambi, Prayagraj, Saharanpur, Jhansi, Mirzapur, Jaunpur, Pratapgarh |
Category | Exam Result |
Official Website | |
Merit List will be prepared region wise. this year for 333 post of Samvida conductor, UPSRTC Saharanpur has released recruitment notification. If you have all the eligibility criteria then you can apply online reading the mention date. minimum age limit for the posts 18 years and maximum age is 40 years.
if you have done intermediate then you can apply for this post. furthermore there will be no contest, based on the performance of UPSRTC Samvida Conductor Merit List candidates in their qualifying exam, that is 12th class marks, the candidates will be shortlisted. so you can check below detailed procedure given in the advertised in the notification.
- UR – 159
- SC – 66
- ST – 23
- OBC – 85
- Total – 333.
UPSRTC Cut off Marks 2024
Category Wise cut off marks may be available on the official website after the UPSRTC Samvida Conductor Merit List is published. Uttar Pradesh SRTC will decide the minimum percentage obtained by candidate in their 12th Class. If you have obtained more than this cut off percentage, you will be able to get your position in the UPSRTC Samvida conductor Result.
उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य परिवहन निगम संविदा कंडक्टर भर्ती रिजल्ट जल्दी आने वाला है. 12 अगस्त एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म दर्ज करने का अंतिम तारीख है. इसके उपरांत परीक्षार्थियों के लिए कोई एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म नहीं दिया जाएगा. संविदा परिचालक के लिए अभ्यर्थियों को इंटरमीडिएट की प्राप्त अंकों के आधार पर मेरिट सूची वर्गवार अलग अलग तैयार की जाएगी. इसी सूची के आधार पर सहारनपुर क्षेत्र में वैकेंसी के अनुसार संविदा पर परिचालकों के भर्ती की जाएगी.
Check UPPSC JE 2024 Result online.
Selection Process of UPSRTC Conductor
Selection will be done through following steps:
- Preparation of Merit List Based on Intermediate Marks.
- Documents verification.
In the documents verification phase, candidates will be called as per UPSRTC Samvida conductor Result, and they have to produce all the original documents for the UPSRTC Conductor Recruitment.
So, check further information on to get details on the Latest News and UPSRTC Samvida Conductor Merit List. Visit our homepage to get govt jobs news updates. All The Best!
Shashikant says
Kab aayega merit list