UPSC NDA Exam Syllabus : National Defence Academy I UPSC NDA Syllabus and Pattern including the selection process by the UPSC is the hot topic among the candidates who want to shine their career on Defence Sector as online application form fill up already started from 15.01.23 and will continue till 05.02.23. Candidates can apply online through the website Exam will be conducted in both English and Hindi language. Candidates need to use black dot pen only for the exam.
Total 900 marks questions will be there to answer. It includes subjects like Mathematics (300 marks) and General Ability (600 marks). General Ability Test comprises of two sections-
Part 1- English Language Paper (299 marks)
Part 2- General Knowledge Paper (400 marks)
There will be negative marking for each wrong answer.
Time duration for Mathematics and General Ability Test is 2.5 hrs each.
UPSC NDA Exam Syllabus 2024:
Below is the UPSC NDA Syllabus of written test to be conducted by UPSC for the examination of National Defence Academy and Naval Academy-
Subjects | Code | Maximum marks |
Mathematics | 01 | 300 |
General Ability | 02 | 600 |
Total marks will be 900 marks
Matrices and Determinants
Analytical geometry of two and three dimensions
Differential calculus
Integral calculus and differential equations
Vector algebra
Statistics and probability
General Ability Test
English Language
Grammar and usage
Cohesion in extended text to test candidates proficiency in English
General Knowledge
General Science
Social Studies
Current events
National Defence Academy Selection Process 2024
The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis written test (objective type questions) at first. After clearing the written test, candidates need to appear for SSB interview. This will be based UPSC NDA Syllabus on scientifically designed tests to access the personality of the candidates. It will be conducted in two stages. Candidates need to clear the first stage to proceed in the next stage.
Stage 1
Officer Intelligence Rating
Picture Perception Test
Description Test
Stage 2
Group testing officers task
Psychological tests
UPSC Exam (l) National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination Date 2024
Date for written exam is 22.04.19
Exam will be conducted in various cities in India.
Visit for other detailed NDA Exam Notification.
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