Solved Model Paper UP Jal Nigam Routine Clerk Stenographer Gr IV Previous Years Question Download

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam (UPJN) periodically conducts written examination for Routine Clerk & Stenographer Grade IV exam. Solved Model Question Paper for the written test for Naityik Lipik and Ashulipik Grade IV has been given below. The fully solved question paper can be downloaded in PDF format. We have also given the link on which previous years question paper for UPJN routine clerk and stenographer previous years question paper with solution / answer key may be downloaded. UP Jal Nigam conducts the written test online at various centers in Uttar Pradesh. UPJN earlier published the official advertisement for the Routine Clerk & Stenographer Grade IV Exam on their official website which is It is must for candidates to practice last years objective MCQ question for performing well in the exam. UPJN Routine Clerk Previous Years Model Question Paper for 2014, 2015 and 2016 must be solved for this purpose. After solving last years old exam papers for UP Jal Nigam Stenographer and Clerk exam, you will get an idea about the upcoming exam.
UPJN Study Material MCQ Questions:
General Knowledge MCQ.
English MCQ Questions.
Mathematics Aptitude Questions.
Reasoning MCQ.
These subject wise questions are very important.
UPJN Clerk Steno Solved Model Question Paper Download with answer key/ solution:
1) Which one of the following is not an Alpine range of mountain formed during the Tertiary Period?
a) Alps
b) Himalayas
c) Andes
d) Aravalli
ans: b
2) How many hours of daylight does the equator experience on September equinox?
a) 9 hours
b) 8 hours
c) 10 hours
d) 12 hours
ans: d
3) Which of the following is not a seed borne disease?
a) Redroot of sugarcane
b) Potato mosaic
c) Brown leaf spot of rice
d) Black gram of cotton
ans: b
4) Which one of the following cities is not located on the bank of river Ganga?
a) Fatehpur
b) Bhagalpur
c) Uttarkashi
d) Kanpur
ans: c
5) The members of the state Legislative Assembly are elected for what period?
a) 2 years
b) 8 years
c) 4 years
d) 5 years
ans: b
6) The Lok Sabha alone is entitled to vote in the case of
a) demand for grants
b) merger of States
c) creation of a new State
d) a private member’s bill
ans: a
7) The term ‘Fourth Estate’ refers to the
a) Union Parliament
b) Union Cabinet
c) Press
d) Judiciary
Ans: c
8) The Fundamental Duties were included in the Constitution with the idea of:
a) giving more importance to the Fundamental Rights
b) curbing subversive and unconstitutional activities
c) preventing abuse of Fundamental Rights
d) giving more power to the executive
ans: b
9) Consider the following statements:
1. NTPC is the largest power utility in India.
2. ONGC accounts for half of the LPG production in India.
3. Indian Oil Corporation operates all the oil refineries in India.
4. The Indian Ordnance Factory is the largest departmentally run industrial undertaking in
the country.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3
c) 2, 3 and 4
d) 1 and 4
Ans: d
10) Broad money in India is:
(a) M1
(b) M2
(c) M3
(d) M4
ans: c
11) Which Five Year Plan adopted indicative Planning in India?
a) Ninth
b) Fourth
c) Third
d) Eighth
ans: d
Four alternatives a,b,c and d are given under each sentence, you are required to selected the most suitable alternative to fill in the blank/blanks in the sentence to make it meaningful .
12)The salt has gradually….. the bridge.
a) spoilt
b) Ravaged
c) demolished
d) eroded
ans: d
13) Even a …… glance will reveal the mystery.
a) crude
b) cursory
c) critical
d) curious
ans: b
The following sentence consists of a word or a phrase which is written in bold letters. Each of them is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or the phrases which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the bold words or phrases.
14) The booking-clerk looked very grumpy.
a) surly
b) pleasant
c) efficient
d) honest
ans: b
15) He is showing signs of senility.
a) virility
b) laziness
c) maturity
d) exhaustion
ans: a
16) The highest temperature can be achieved in which type of furnace?
a) Blast
b) Reverberatory
c) Electric
d) None of these
ans: c
17) The National Chemical Laboratory (India) is located in
a) Mumbai
b) Bengaluru
c) Hyderabad
d) Pune
ans: d
18) Who will be eligible to subscribe for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha bima Yojana?
a) Age 18 to 70
b) Age 21 to 71
c) Age 15 to 60
d) Age 30 to 60
ans: a
19) Mast cells secrete
a) Heparin
b) myoglobin
c) histamine
d) hemoglobin
ans: c
20) Who among the following is a lady Alvar Saint?
a) Tirupan
b) Perumal
c) Madhur Kavi
d) Andal
ans: d
UPJN Previous Years Question Paper Download:
Routine Clerk & Stenographer exam notification has been published in this year 2024 also. UPJN Routine Clerk Previous Years Model Question Paper can be downloaded from the official website link of which is given below. Answer key with explanation can be downloaded in PDF format.
Download Last Year Question Paper PDF link – Click here.
For last 10 years cut off exam and other information, visit
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