Senior Junior Lecturer in various subjects recruitment in 2024 TRB Tamil Nadu

Teacher Recruitment Board or TRB Tamil Nadu Recruitment will be done for Lecturer for the year 2024. The advertisement notification has been published on their official website. The vacancy TRB Tamil Nadu Recruitment for the posts has been published as 272. The recruited senior, junior lecturers will be posted in Tamilnadu Education Service. Those who want to join the latest TRB jobs in Tamilnadu, study the following like eligibility criteria (educational like M.Ed) and subject wise vacancy details as given below.
Name of the exam:
Tamil Nadu teacher Educational service 2024.
Details of the post and vacancy:
Senior Lecturers – 38 Posts,
Lecturers – 166 Posts,
Junior Lecturers – 68 posts.
Total vacancy for the lecturer posts in TRB Tamil Nadu has been declared as 272 posts. Vacancy will be reserved for the SC ST OBC PH candidates also. Category wise vacancy list is given TRB Tamil Nadu Recruitment 2024 on the advertisement link given at the last of the page. Subject wise vacancy for different subjects like zoology, botany, physics, Tamil, English, chemistry, history , geography etc has been given on official website.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility for Lecturer posts in TRB Tamil Nadu –
For Senior Lecturer, lecturer and junior lecturer posts in different subjects, candidates must possess Masters Degree in relevant subjects with 50% marks. M.Ed is also mandatory with 55% marks.
Candidates should also have work experience for the mentioned years for some posts.
Important Dates of Recruitment:
Starting of application form sale – 15-07-2024.
Last date for application form receipt – 30-07-2024.
Salary Structure:
Recruited staffs will be given salary as per the rules of the TRB Tamilnadu. They are as follows –
For post 1 the pay scale is Rs 15600 – 39100 with grade pay Rs. 5,700.
For post 2 and 3 the pay scale is Rs. 9300 – 34800 and grade pay of Rs. 4,800 and Rs 4,600 respectively.
Age Limit:
Lower Limit has not declared by the recruiter.
Upper Limit = 57 years.
Age limit will be calculated as on 31-07-2024. Relaxation in upper age limit will be provided for the reserved category and ex-serviceman candidates as per govt norms.
Selection Process:
TRB Tamil Nadu Recruitment will be done through written exam. Syllabus of the written exam including exam pattern is given on official website.
Exam Fee:
Rs 50 for all candidates.
How to Apply:
Please visit the official website of TRB Tamil Nadu which is
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Download From Here.
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