Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya (RDVV) Exam Time Table 2024: The RDVV University has released the examination time table for the students for UG, PG Courses. The students can download the B.A, B.Sc, B.Com Exam time table from the online page of the University. To access the RDVV Time Table you need to enter details like course type and year of college or session.
Also Check – RDVV Exam Result 2024

Download RDVV Exam Time Table 2023 BA BSc BCom
RDVV Time Table Overview
Name Of The Organization | Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya |
Course Name | BA, BSc, BCom |
Session | 2024-25 |
Category | Time Table |
Location | Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh |
Official Website | rdunijbpin.org |
The time table is issued well in advance so that it becomes easier for the candidate to check for the dates of certain papers and study accordingly. RDVV Time Table consists of the date, day and time of the examinations according to the papers or subjects. Study gaps and holidays are mentioned in the RDVV Exam Date which is helpful for the students. The link to download the examination time table of RDVV Jabalpur UG, PG Courses has been given above in the table.
How to download rdunijbpin.org Time Table Online?
- First of all log into the University’s website www.rdunijbpin.org.
- Now enter your user Id and password.
- Enter the student corner/
- Under the upcoming examinations news section you will find the link to download the time table.
- Click on download RDVV Time Table.
- Enter your year of college, course type and your time table will appear.
- Download and take a hard copy of the RDVV Time Table and keep it with you.
Importance of Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya Exam Date Sheet
Along with the admit card the candidate also has to bring a student Id card during the Exam Date of RDVV. The RDVV Exam time table holds details like the date of exam, reporting time, session, term exam name, subject name etc. If you want to know more details on the RDVV Time Table, comment below. Stay connected with our website www.jobsandhan.com in order to get latest updates on the topic.
Candidates can save this link to their favourites for downloading official date sheets/time tables/schedules: www.rdunijbpin.org/Time-Table
On their official website, the Rani Durgavati University has published the All UG PG Annual & Semester Exam Schedule & Date Sheet.
The Rani Durgavati University UG PG Annual Semester Exam will be held in the following month. The University will soon post your date sheet and exam schedule for UG PG Exams on their official website.