RBI Grade B Cut off marks phase I (subject and category wise), result 2023 declared

Latest Update On 26th July 2023 : The most important information on the RBI Grade B Cut off for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025, as well as the Selection List, may be found here. Working in banking, including for the RBI, is not simple. The challenging questions that are asked during the exam must be overcome by the candidate.
RBI has declared the RBI Grade B Result 2023 which was held on 22th November. Along with they also have disclosed the cut off marks for the exam category wise.
Earlier Reserve Bank of India released notification for the recruitment of Grade B officer. The exam pattern is as following –
Phase I – which is of 200 marks. Exam is taken online English, General awareness, Quantitative aptitude and Reasoning.
Candidates has to secure cut off marks for Phase I to appear for phase II.
Phase II – consists of 3 papers. Paper 1 is on English Writing. Paper 2 is testing of candidates understanding on social and economic issues. Lastly paper 3 is an optional subject which should be one of the subjects from Economics/ statistics/ Finance and Management. Paper I will be subjective where as the other 2 papers will be MCQ type.
The final merit list will be based on the summation of the marks obtained in 3 papers. The successful candidates who have cleared the cut off marks will be called for interview.
Below is the cut off marks for the RBI Gr B officer exam 2023 Phase I category wise –
General – 88.50
OBC – 78.50
SC – 74.50
ST – 74.50
PwD – 74.50
For details on the cut off marks subject wise, please go to the below link. You can check your result on the same link. You have to enter your roll number and date of birth and click on submit to see the detailed RBI Grade B Result 2023.
Cut off marks subject wise, check result – click here
The successful candidates have to appear in Phase II of the written exam. Visit our website to download the call letter for phase II exam.
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