Junior Assistant (J.A) in PGVCL – Vidyut Sahayak vacancy in Gujarat 2024

Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited or PGVCL has released PGVCL Gujarat Recruitment advertisement for the posts of Vidyut Sahayak or Junior Assistant. The number if Vacancy for J.A has been decided by PGVCL as 205. The type of work of these junior assistant is kind of filed work. They will do the billing, cash collection, meter reading and other work which is not typically office work. They have also mentioned that male and female both candidates will be given field work. The post of the recruited junior assistant is contractual for 3 years. After the completion of 3 years, they may be considered for regular establishment. Detailed information about this latest latest govt job in Gujarat is given below –
Details of the post:
Junior Assistant (J.A ) or Vidyut Sahayak.
205 posts are there. Vacancy will be reserved for SC ST OBC and female candidates also. Detailed category wise vacancy has been given on official notification.
Important Dates of Recruitment:
Starting of online form fill up – Available Soon.
Last date of online registration, online fee payment & challan generation –Available Soon.
Last date for fee payment through SBI challan -Available Soon.
Last date for document receiving at office by Post –Available Soon.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility for junior assistant – Graduation in any subject. General candidates should have passed final year exam with 60% marks and for reserved candidates, qualifying mark is above 55%.
Salary Structure:
Recruited staffs will get monthly consolidated salary for 1st year Rs 7800, for 2nd year 8550 & for 3rd year 9300. If they are made permanent employee, they will get salary in the basic pay scale of Rs 9,700 – 21,710.
Age Limit:
Upper Limit = 30 years for General.
5 years age relaxation will be provided for SC ST SEBC Female candidates.
Selection Process:
There will be written test and interview for the PGVCL Gujarat Recruitment of above post. There will be written test consisting of 5 sections. The syllabus / exam pattern for the written test is given below –
1) General awareness,
2) General English,
3) Math and general science,
4) Reasoning,
5) Computer questions.
Exam date of PGVCL will be notified in due course.
Examination Fee:
General Candidates – Rs 500,
Reserved category candidates- Rs 250.
How to Apply:
Candidates must register with the PGVCL official website and fill up the form properly. After submission they need to take print out the form, attach prescribed documents and send it by PGVCL Gujarat Recruitment speed post to their office. Address where to send the form and which documents are required to attach has been mentioned on their official website. Candidates who are working in any govt office, must produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ when required.
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Download From Here.
- Apply Online – Click to apply.
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