Odisha SSA Vacancy Physical & art instructor Sarva Shiksha RTE

Odisha Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan or SSA has issued recruitment notification for the posts of Physical and art instructor in Bargarh District in 2024. The vacancy for the Instructor posts has been declared as 311. Below is given the detailed eligibility criteria, monthly salary, post wise vacancy list on this post. The job news for the Part time instructor of Bargarh District of Odisha Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has been published with the advertisement no 1307/16 date 21-07-2024. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Odisha Recruitment notification advertisement can be downloaded from the official website from the link given below. Both the performing art and visual art inspector will be recruited. You may fill up the online application from the link given below. For more visit ordistportalcontent.nic.in.
Details of the post and vacancy:
Following posts are there for the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Odisha Recruitment 2024 in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Posts Odisha –
Physical Education Instructor – 129 Posts,
Art Education Instructor – 182 posts.
Vacancy will be reserved for the SC ST OBC and PH category also. To know the category wise vacancy break up list, please download the full official notification from the official website of Odisha SSA official website.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Instructor Posts – Candidates must have passed 12th with CPED or Degree or post graduate (PG) degree in professional education.
BFA / BVA for the pass out students belonging to Visual arts and B.Mus pass for the performing arts.
Important Dates of Recruitment:
Last date for submission of online form online – 22-08-2024.
Salary of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Instructors:
Monthly salary for the SSA or Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Physical and Art instructor post will be given on daily basis on number of class. Per class the SSA instructors will be paid Rs 150.
Age Limit:
Lower Limit = 18 years,
Upper Limit = 42 years.
Age Limit will be calculated as given by the Odisha District project office (DPO), RTE / SSA. Upper age relaxation will be provided to all the reserved category candidates including ex-serviceman as per the norms of DPO RTE (right to education).
Selection Process of SSA Instructor:
Candidates will be recruited through interview process. The exam pattern of the physical and arts instructor posts has been given on their official website.
How to Apply:
Those who are willing to appear in the latest govt job of Odisha in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan posts must go to the official website for checking their eligibility criteria. The application form for applying to the posts of SSA has given below. You need to download the form and send it to the postal address of RTE District project office (DPO) Bargarh Odisha.
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Download From Here.
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