Naval Dockyard Mumbai Tradesman Result 2024 Expected Cut Off Marks Merit List Publishing Date: The result of the recruitment test (written) of civilian personnel (Tradesman Mate- Industrial, 194 nos.) classified as Group-C in Indian Navy Naval Dockyard Mumbai will be published very soon. The exact date of Naval Dockyard Tradesman Result has not been announced yet but soon as it gets announced we’ll inform about it through our website www.jobsandhan.com. Candidates who appeared in the Mumbai Naval Dockyard Tradesman Mate Written test on 8th October 2024 are now waiting for the when result will be published.
The candidates applying for the post of Industrial Tradesman Mate (erstwhile MTS/ USL) Group-C, need to go for the objective based written test first. Then the candidates getting successful in the written test will undergo documents verification and medical examination thereafter. Names of the successful candidates in written test will be shortlisted and disclosed when the Naval Dockyard Tradesman Result will be published.
On the basis of the marks obtained in the written test of Naval Dockyard Tradesman Mate recruitment test the shortlisted candidates will be called for the verification of the documents. The candidates providing any false information intentionally to the recruitment authority or not appearing with valid original documents Naval Dockyard Tradesman Result and photocopies on the allotted day will be terminated. Later on the candidates successfully going through this filtration process will undergo medical examination. It would be as per the standard set by the Indian Navy Naval Dockyard Mumbai for the post of Tradesman Mate (Industrial).
Provisional Appointment letter will be provided on the basis of the final Merit list. The final Merit list will be prepared based on the total marks obtained by the candidates in the written test . They must successfully go through the document verification and medical examination. Moreover the vacancies in Indian Navy Naval Dockyard Mumbai for the post of Tradesman Mate are provisional and it may vary at the time of recruitment.
The shortlisted candidates will be communicated either through their registered EMail ID or notifying through the official website of Indian Navy Naval Dockyard Mumbai : www.bhartiseva.com / www.indiannavy.nic.in. So the candidates need to check the website from time to time to get updates about the date of Naval Dockyard Tradesman Result.
The qualifying marks for the written test of Indian Navy Naval Dockyard Mumbai for the recruitment of Tradesman Mate has not been declared but the decision regarding the cut off marks or selection of candidates will solely be decided by the recruitment authority. Link of checking of Naval Dockyard Tradesman Result will be published here.
Category based qualifying marks:
Category | cut off marks |
General / OC / Unreserved | Not published yet |
SC / ST | NA |
OBC | NA |
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