MP TET Varg 1 Result 2023 : Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) has recently announced the MP High School Teacher Result on its official website. The MP TET Varg 1 Exam was conducted on 2nd January 2023, and the MP TET Varg 1 Result was declared on 19th April 2023. The candidates who have appeared for the MP TET Varg 1 Exam can check their results on the official website of MPPEB.
1 से 11 मार्च तक, मध्य प्रदेश कर्मचारी चयन बोर्ड (MPESB) ने मध्य प्रदेश शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा वर्ग 1 2023 हाई स्कूल शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा आयोजित की। एमपी वर्ग 1 परिणाम 2023 का प्रकाशन अप्रैल 2023 के दूसरे सप्ताह में होने की उम्मीद थी। एमपीपीईबी ईएसबी विभाग ने पहले अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट, पर एमपी हाई स्कूल टीईटी वर्ग 1 उत्तर कुंजी 2023 प्रकाशित की थी। उम्मीदवार अब इस लेख में दिए गए सीधे डाउनलोड लिंक का उपयोग करके अपनी एमपी टीईटी वर्ग 1 मार्कशीट प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
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MP TET Varg 1 Result 2023 Overview
Name Of The Organization | Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board |
Post Name | High School Teacher |
Exam Name | TET Varg 1 |
Category | Result |
Apply Mode | Online |
Official Website | |
MP TET 2023 Varg 1 Result – Publishing Dates
Notification Released Date | 26 December 2022 |
Application Staring Date | 12th January 2023 |
Application Last Date | 27th January 2023 |
Admit Card Released Date | 22th February 2023 |
Exam Date | 1st March 2023 |
Steps to Download Madhya Pradesh TET Varg 1 Result ?
- Step 1: Visit the official website of MPPEB, i.e.,
- Step 2: On the homepage, click on the “MP TET Varg 1 Result 2023” tab.
- Step 3: A new page will open, where candidates have to click on the “High School Teacher Eligibility Test (Varg-1) – 2022” MP TET 2023 Varg 1 Result link.
- Step 4: Enter the required details, such as the application number and date of birth.
- Step 5: After entering the details, click on the “Submit” button. Step 6: The MP TET 2023 Varg 1 Result will appear on the screen. Step 7: Download the result and take a printout for future reference.
MP High School Teacher Result Data Mentioned
- Candidate’s full name
- Date of birth
- Candidate’s gender
- Reporting time and exam duration
- Exam Date
- Name of the exam
- Examination center
- Signature of the candidate
- Category to which the candidate belongs (unreserved/reserved)
- Application number/Registration number
- Description of the exam (shifts, subjects)
In conclusion, the MP High School Teacher Result has been announced on the official website of MPPEB. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can follow the above-mentioned steps to download their results. The MP TET Varg1 Result is valid for a period of seven years, and candidates who have qualified for the exam will be eligible for the next stage of the selection process.
MP TET Varg 1 Results – Important Links
एमपी टीईटी पिछला वर्ष प्रश्न पत्र डाउनलोड पीडीएफ हल | Click Here |
MP Vyapam High School Teacher Result 2023 | Click Here |
Official Website | |
FAQs on TET Varg 1 Result:
The MP High School Teacher Result is valid for a period of seven years from the date of declaration of the result.
The minimum passing percentage required to qualify for the MP TET Varg 1 Exam is 60% for general category candidates, and 50% for reserved category candidates.
The candidates who qualify for the MP TET Varg 1 Exam will be eligible to appear for the next stage of the selection process, which includes document verification and personal interview.