MPSC Maharashtra Tax Assistant Written Exam Previous Years Question Paper Model Answer Set Download PDF
MPSC or Maharashtra PSC Tax Assistant Previous Years Question Paper Download Link year wise in PDF format have been given below. We also have given model question answer paper with solution which can be used as practice set and mock test set. The solved question paper practice test set for MPSC Tax Asst Written Exam contains objective MCQs which can be solved for scoring high in the exam. You need to also download previous years question paper of MPSC Tax assistant exam (Maharashtra) fully solved for checking how much prepared you are. The question paper can also be downloaded in PDF format. Almost every year Maharashtra Public Service Commission recruits Tax assistant in Maharashtra State. MPSC Tax Assistant Previous Years Question Paper for last 5 years / old papers must be practiced thoroughly. Here we have given MPSC Tax Assistant Exam 2018 Question Paper and Tax Asst 2018 Question paper (last year). Earlier recruitment notification for 2018 has been published on the official website which is Question papers solution / answer key / fully solved paper may also be found on the official website.
MPSC Tax Asst Model Question Paper Set Download:
Here we have given some MCQ Question papers from the syllabus of MPSC written test of tax asst. You may also download the model practice question answer set.
1) Which of the following animals was not represented on the seals and terracotta art of the Harappan Culture?
a) Cow b) Elephant c) Rhinoceros d) Tiger.
2) Which one of the following sites is the largest Mesolithic site in India?
a) Bagor b) Tilwara c) Valasana d) Akhaj.
Click to see MPSC Tax Assistant Admit Card Download 2018 Exam Date.
3) Which one of the following was not cultivated in the Harappan Civilization?
a) Mustard b) Barley c) Sugarcane d) Sesames.
4) The largest Harappan site discovered in Gujarat is
a) Dholavira b) khandia c) Kuntasi d) Manda.
5) The first metal most widely used by the Indus valley people was
a) Copper b) Bronze c) Gold and silver d) Tin.
6) The greatest seasonal contrast of insulation on the earth is in which of the following latitudinal zones?
a) Equatorial b) Tropical c) Temperate d) polar.
7) Which of the following do not belong to solar system?
a) Asteroids b) Comets c) Planets d) Nebulae.
8) Which one of the following diagrams shows the direction and duration of wind?
a) Cartogram b) Climogram c) Ergo graph d) star diagram.
9) Radio waves are reflected back to Earth from the
a) Troposphere b) Exosphere c) Stratosphere d) Ionosphere.
10) Which one of the following is the largest satellite in solar system?
a) Titan b) Ganymede c) Europa d) Triton.
11) The constitution of India borrowed the scheme of India federation from the constitution of
a) USA b) Canada c) Ireland d) UK.
12) Who said preamble is the keynote to the constitution?
a) Ernest Barker b) K M Munshi c) B R Ambedkar d) D D Basu.
13) Which one of the following writs literally means ‘’what is your authority’’?
a) Habeus corpus b) Certiorari c) Quo Warranto d) Prohibition.
14) Which among the following Articles deals with the protection of environment and wildlife?
a) Article 47 b) Article 48 c) Article 48 A d) Article 49.
15) The term of the Rajya Sabha was fixed by the
a) President b) Constitution c) parliament d) Cabinet.
16) Which committee was set up to review the concept of the poverty line?
a) S Tendulkar committee b) Lakdawala committee c) Wanchoo committee d) Dutt Committee.
17) India is now the ….member country of the FATF.
a) 34th b) 20th c) 13th d) 19th.
18) Planning commission was established in the year
a)1950 b) 1947 c) 1975 d) 1960.
19) Money in India consists of
a) Paper currency b) Current Deposits c) Metallic Coins d) All of these.
20) The bonded labour system Act was legislated in
a) 1974 b) 1976 c) 1977 d) 1978.
21) Which one of the following phenomena shows particles nature of light?
a) Polarization b) Photo-electric effect c) Interference d) Refraction.
22) Which one of the following is not an amorphous substance?
a) Glass b) Polymer c) Rubber d) Copper.
23) To shield an instrument from an external magnetic field it may be placed in a cabinet made of
a) Wood b) Ebonite c) Metal d) Diamagnetic d) Diamagnetic substance.
A) Irons b) Atoms c) Neutrons d) Gamma rays.
25) Sun loving plants are –
a) Halophytes b) Sciophytes c) Heliophytes d) Autotrophs.
Download Previous Years Old Question Paper Tax Assistant Maharashtra:
2016 Question Paper Download PDF – Click here.
2015 Question Paper Set (Marathi / English Language) – Click here.
You can also download the exam paper or previous years question paper for offline reading. Last years paper are very important, so each candidate preparing for it must download the last years old question paper.
1)a, 2) a, 3) c, 4) a, 5) a, 6) b, 7) d, 8) b, 9) d, 10) b, 11) b, 12) a, 13) a, 14) c, 15) b, 16) a, 17) a, 18) a. 19) d, 20) b, 21) b, 22) d, 23) d, 24) a, 25) c.
For more study materials, MPSC Tax Assistant Previous Years Question Paper solved model paper, mock tests for various exam in
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