MMRCL Technician Result 2024 Maharashtra Metro Rail Expected Cut Off Marks Merit List
MMRCL Technician Result 2024 Expected Cut Off Marks Merit List: Maha Metro Result 2024 Expected Cut Off Marks Merit List for the post of Technician in the discipline of Electrical, Mechanical and Civil will be published shortly after the commencement of the online test. MMRCL Technician Exam has not been conducted yet. Vacancy for various posts of Technician was published through the official notification earlier. MMRCL Technician Result will be declared after the exam is conducted and link for check the merit list will be updated here.
Nagpur Metro Rail Technician Result 2024:
The MMRCL Technician recruitment examination will comprise two stages- stage-1 online test and stage-2 medical examination in B1 category. Expenses for the first time medical examination will be bore by MMRCL but the second time if needed, the applicants will have to pay for it. The online test will MMRCL Technician Result act as the filter test. There are 3 parts of online examination. The answer scripts of the candidate’s part-2 and 3 of online examination will be evaluated only after his/her securing of qualifying score in part-1 online test. Otherwise those answer scripts will not be evaluated and the candidates will automatically get rejected.
MMRCL Technician Merit List Result Publishing Date 2024:
The merit list will be prepared on the basis of the total MMRCL Technician Result obtained by the candidate in the Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited recruitment examination for the post of Technician. Qualifying in part-2 & 3 examination and ranking higher in merit list will enable the candidate to get a call for the medical examination. Becoming successful in the stages of online test would not mean that the MMRCL Technician Result 2024 candidate has secured the job. He/she will thereafter go through the medical examination, failing in which will ultimately stop the candidate from qualifying in the Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited Technician posts examination.
MMRCL Nagpur Metro Technician Cut Off Marks 2024 Expected:
The qualifying score or cut off marks for the Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited Technician posts part-1 online test is 40% or above. The candidates scoring less than 40% will be rejected and their answer script for part 2 and 3 of online tests will not be evaluated. The cut off marks of these two tests have not been decided by the recruitment authority yet. MMRCL Previous years cut off marks may also be available on the official website. We will update the link of Nagpur Metro Rail Result in this link when the MMRCL Technician Result will be published.
MMRCL Nagpur Metro Technician Merit Qualifying score:
Category | Qualifying Marks |
General / OC | 40% in part-1 online test |
SC / ST / PH | Not specified |
OBC | Not specified. |
The information was available that will announce the results of MMRCL Technician examination in a few days.
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