MIDC Syllabus 2023 : MIDC Clerk Typist, JE Syllabus 2023 provided here in PDF format. The candidates who are going to take part in the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC), Junior Engineer (JE) Exam 2020, this article is for all of them. The MIDC JE Syllabus is out and enclosed here. Hence, you can view the entire MIDC Junior Engineer Exam Pattern 2023 from this site.
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MIDC Syllabus Download Link | Click Here |
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Official Website | www.midcindia.org |
Apply Online | www.mahapariksha.gov.in |
MIDC Previous Question Paper | Click Here |
In addition to that, the willing postulants may also download the pdf of the MIDC JE Exam Syllabus from this site at free of cost. As well as the participants also verify the best study materials, preparation tips, examination tricks to take the best preparation. Furthermore, the postulants may also make a visit to the official page i.e. www.midcindia.org for more details.
MIDC Syllabus 2023
The MIDC Syllabus for 2023 has been released by the MIDC (Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation). This shows a gradual move towards preparing students to work in the industry. This curriculum has been carefully put together to meet the changing needs of the modern job market and help students grow in all areas. It includes the latest technologies, real-world uses, and soft skills that are important for success in today’s world. With a focus on skill improvement and new ideas, the MIDC Syllabus aims to give students the information and skills they need to do well in an industry that is always changing. It’s a step in the right direction towards building a workforce that is ready for the challenges and possibilities of the future.
MIDC Clerk Typist Syllabus 2023 Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation Junior Engineer Exam Pattern Download midcindia.org
Name of the Exam Conducting Board | Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation |
Name of the Job Designation | Junior Engineer |
Total Number of Available Vacancies | 865 Posts |
The Method of Selection | Written Test, Personal Interview |
Official Address | midcindia.org |
MIDC Exam Pattern 2023
As we have mentioned in the above section that the selection will be made based on the candidate’s performance thus the individuals have to perform well in the exam. Besides that the level of competition for a MIDC Syllabus government job increasing day by day. Hence, to get selected for the MIDC Jobs the individuals have to clear the exam with maximum marks.
Download MIDC Previous Years Question Paper.
MIDC Exam Pattern for ST Recruitment 2023:

Part 1 Syllabus:
1 | English – Synonyms word, Antonyms word, common Vocabulary, Sentence Structure, Grammar, Use of Idioms and phrases & their meaning and comprehension of passage. |
2 | Marathi Language |
3 | General Knowledge |
4 | Reasoning |
5 | MIDC |
Part 2 Syllabus – Subject Knowledge.
MIDC JE Civil Syllabus 2023
6 | Civil Engineering | |
1) | Structural Engineering Mechanics: Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams, Simple stress and strain relationship, buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses. | |
2) | Structural Analysis: Analysis of statically determinate trusses, arches, beams, displacements in statically determinate structures, Basic concepts of matrix methods of structural analysis. | |
3) | Concrete Structures: Concrete design- basic working stress and limit state design concepts, design of members subjected to flexure, shear, compression and torsion by limit state methods. Basic elements of pre-stressed concrete. | |
4) | Steel Structures: Analysis and design of tension and compression members, beams and beam- columns, column bases. Connections simple and eccentric, beam- column connections, plate girders and trusses. Rivet and Bolted Connections. | |
7. | Geotechnical Engineering | |
1) | Soil Mechanics: Origin of soils, soil classification, three-phase system, fundamental definitions, relationship and interrelationships, permeability & seepage, effective stress principle, consolidation, compaction, shear strength. | |
2) | Foundation Engineering: Sub-surface investigations- scope, drilling bore holes, sampling, penetration tests, plate load test. Stability of slopes. Foundation types, foundation design requirements. Shallow foundations-bearing capacity, effect of shape, water table and other factors, stress distribution, settlement analysis in sands & clays. Deep foundations, pile types. | |
8. | Water Resources Engineering | |
1) | Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: Properties of fluids, principle of conservation of mass, momentum, energy and corresponding equations, potential flow, applications of momentum and Bernoulli’s equation, laminar and turbulent flow, flow in pipes, pipe networks. Concept of boundary layer and its growth. Uniform flow, critical flow and gradually varied flow in channels, specific energy concept, hydraulic jump. Forces on immersed bodies, flow measurements in channels, tanks and pipes. | |
9. | Hydrology: Hydrologic cycle, rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, stage discharge relationships, unit hydro graphs, flood estimation, reservoir capacity, reservoir and channel routing. Well hydraulics. | |
10. | Irrigation: Duty, delta, estimation of evapo-transpiration, waterways, head works, gravity dams and spillways. Types of irrigation system, irrigation methods. Water logging and drainage. | |
11. | Environmental Engineering | |
1) | Water requirements: Quality standards, basic unit processes and operations for water treatment. Drinking water standards, water requirements, basic unit operations and unit processes for surface water treatment, distribution of water. Sewage and sewerage | |
treatment, quantity and characteristics of wastewater. Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater, sludge disposal, effluent discharge standards. Domestic wastewater treatment, quantity of characteristics of domestic wastewater, primary and secondary treatment Unit operations and unit processes of domestic waste water, sludge disposal. | ||
12. | Transportation Engineering | |
1) | Highway Planning: Geometric design of highways, estimation, testing and specifications of paving materials, flexible and rigid pavements. | |
13. | Traffic Engineering: Traffic characteristics, theory of traffic flow, traffic signs and signal design, highway capacity. | |
14. | Surveying: Importance of surveying, principles and classifications, mapping concepts, coordinate system, map projections, measurements of distance and directions, levelling, theodolite traversing, plane table surveying, errors and adjustments, curves. | |
15. | Building Materials & Construction | |
1) | Construction Materials: Properties of concrete, basics of mix design, aggregates, admixtures; stones, bricks and flooring tiles; cement; cement mortars; damp-proofing and water proofing materials, termite proofing, paints, epoxy coatings and resins. | |
2) | Building components and functions: Brick masonry, types of floors & roofs, ventilators, introduction to repairs and retrofitting in buildings. Building orientation, circulation, grouping of areas, privacy concept and concepts of energy efficient buildings; provisions of National Building Code, building estimates and specifications, cost of works, valuation. |
MIDC JE E&M Syllabus:
1) | Fundamentals of electrical engineering:
DC/ AC series & parallel circuits, network theorems, transients in AC network, star delta transformation, solutions of balance & unbalance three phase circuits. |
2) | Electrical machines :
Basic Principles for Single / Three phase transformers, efficiency & regulation, parallel operations, auto transformers, single phase/three phase induction Motors & characteristics, motor starting methods, Control panels, Generators & AMF panels. |
3) | Power systems:
Basic power generation concept, transmission, distribution system & performance, cables, insulation coordination, power factor, power tariffs, fault analysis of symmetrical & unsymmetrical systems, sources of harmonics, power quality problems & mitigations. |
4) | Electrical measurements :
Measuring instruments, types, analog & digital measurements of voltage, current, power parameters, instrument transformers, functions & uses of multi-meters, megger, earth tester. |
5) | LT distribution system :
Layout of sub-station, selection for indoor & outdoor equipments, LT panel basic design, RMUs, compact sub-station, sizing, selection & erection of bus bars, MCBs, LT breakers, isolators, capacitors, lightning arresters, relays, CTs, cables, cable jointing, panel wirings, for different LT systems, earthing types and related Indian standards. |
6) | Pumps & pumping system:
Pumps types, performance characteristics & applications, efficient pumping system operation & maintenance, control valves & flow control strategies, energy conservation opportunities, pumping system for water/sewage/effluent, sizing of pumps, fans & compressors. |
7) | Lighting system :
Light source, choice of lighting, luminance requirement, energy conservation avenues, light emitting diodes, metal halides, fluorescent tube lights, compact fluorescent lights, street lighting, lighting system design for different installations, Knowledge of lifts/escalators, DGs, UPS, batteries, different technologies, specifications, sizing calculations, maintenance, testing & commissioning, industrial, residential & commercial installation wirings, safety measures according to relevant norms/codes. |
8) | Switchgears & Protection :
Circuit breakers, types, applications & testing of breakers, protective relays, Protection of transformers & generators, static relays, fuses etc. |
sources. Energy conservation act 2001 & its features, Electricity act 2003, safety regulation 2010, Schemes of Bureau of Energy efficiency, Indian Electricity rules 1956, | ||
7 | Mechanical Engineering | |
1) | Internal combustion engine : Basic engine nomenclature, engine classification, working of engine, two stroke/four stroke, spark ignition/compression ignition engine, combustion of CI engine, ignition system, performance of SI & CI engine, cooling & lubrication system, fuel used, measurement of engine power,, specific fuel consumption, thermal efficiency. | |
2) | Refrigeration & Air conditioning : Principles of refrigeration, system types, common refrigerants & properties, compressor types & application, selection of suitable refrigeration system, energy efficiency in refrigeration plant, energy saving opportunities. |
MIDC Clerk Typist Syllabus 2023
But without knowing the MIDC Clerk Syllabus 2023 of the exam no one can take the best preparation. Therefore, estimate the MIDC JE Exam Syllabus 2023. Know the subjects, topic, concepts of the exam. According to the exam MIDC Junior Engineer Exam Pattern 2023 prepare well for the exam. Thus you can easily secure highest marks in the MIDC Junior Engineer Exam 2023.
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Free Practice set
1 | General English |
2. | Marathi Language |
3. | General Knowledge |
4. | Reasoning |
5. | MIDC Syllabus |
Basically, after finishing the registration process the candidates get curious to know the exam pattern. That is why we have collected huge details regarding the MIDC Syllabus 2023 . Before going to appear in the exam, view the MIDC JE Exam Pattern 2023. As well as the postulants have to work hard from now. Therefore, check the MIDC Syllabus Exam to get an idea about the nature of questions, marking scheme, maximum marks of the exam, number of total questions, the time duration of the exam, etc. Moreover, follow a proper time schedule while preparing for the exam so that you can easily crack the MIDC Exam 2023.
MIDC Junior Engineer Exam Preparation Tips
- At first, the participants have to download the pdf of the MIDC Exam Pattern & MIDC Exam Syllabus 2023.
- After that, verify the entire MIDC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2023 to know all the details related to the exam.
- As per your requirements make a plan for taking preparation.
- Follow a schedule and practice all the subjects.
- Revise the concepts regularly.
- Also, solve the previous year question papers.
The info prevailing on this page about the MIDC Clerk typist Syllabus 2023 is an overall collection of information and just for reference purposes. We hope that the details will help the individuals to solve their queries on the concerned topic.
FAQs on MIDC Syllabus
MIDC stands for Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation, a government body responsible for industrial growth and infrastructure development in Maharashtra, India.
The MIDC Syllabus outlines the curriculum and topics covered in various industrial training and vocational courses offered by MIDC, ensuring that students acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for careers in diverse industries.
You can typically find the MIDC Syllabus on the official MIDC website or through educational institutions affiliated with MIDC.
Yes, the syllabi vary based on the specific industrial training or vocational course you are enrolled in.
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