Village Resource Person (VRP) Vacancy in Malda District 2024 440 posts apply online offline application form download gram sampad karmi recruitment

Malda Gram Sampad Karmi Recruitment Notification 2024 has been discussed below. Notification advertisement of District Social audit unit for Village Resource Person (VRP) or Gramin Sampad Karmi recruitment has been published on the website of Malda District. Vacancy for 440 VRP has been published through advertisement no 3s-06/2015 dated 19-05-2024. Office of the District Magistrate will be main Malda VRP Recruitment agency for the posts. If you want to know how to download application form, eligibility details and other important information, please read the below post thoroughly. Visit for original notice or Vacancy is there for VRP in places like Kaliachak 1,2, 3 and Harishchandrapur 1.
Details of the post:
Village Resource Person (VRP) Gramin Sampad Byakti (Karmi) in Malda District (District social audit unit).
Total vacancy for the posts of VRP in Malda has been declared as 410. We have given below block wise number of vacancy.
Kaliachak 1 – 140 posts
Kaliachak 2 – 90 posts,
Kaliachak 3 – 140 posts,
Harishchandrapur – 70 posts.
Vacancy may be reserved for the SC ST OBC candidates also. Category wise vacancy break up list has been given on their official notification advertisement in Bengali / English language.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility for VRP – Madhyamik or 10th pass candidates are eligible for the posts of Gramin Sampad Karmi. The candidates will have to satisfy other criteria also. Those who are resident and voter of the mentioned block, can only apply against the respective blocks. They should also be able to read and write in English & Bengali and must be physically fit.
Important Dates of Malda VRP Recruitment 2024:
Candidates have to fill up the application form and should appear to the walk in interview venue for on the mentioned date for each place. Place wise dates for walk in interview / schedule (routine) has been given on the notification, download it from the link given below.
Interview Date –
Venue of Interview:
District Training Centre, Malda.
Salary Structure:
Recruited VRPs will be paid on daily basis as per the daily wage rules of govt. Currently it is Rs 360 per day. Monthly pay scale or salary will depend on the number of days the Gram Sampad Karmi works for Govt / Panchayat. The salary is consolidated or fixed, no other allowances will be included with it.
Age Limit:
Lower limit = 18 years.
Upper age limit = 35 years.
SC ST OBC PH candidates will be given relaxation in upper age limit.
How to Apply:
Application form is available to download on the official website. Candidates will have to submit the application form with duly filled up and photo attached. Along with the other documents the application form is to be submitted to the postal address of the mentioned office. After that, walk in interview will be conducted. No other written test will be held. Malda VRP Recruitment or selection process has been discussed thoroughly on the advertisement.
Selection Process:
Marks distribution 20 marks: 10 marks for interview, 10 marks for educational qualification, 5 marks for work experience.
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Download From Here.
All The Best!!
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