KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Result 2023 – Check online JSA Cut Off Marks @ kvsangathan.nic.in: The Result for the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA) examination will shortly be published along with Cut Off Marks. The merit list of the shortlisted candidates for the Jr. Secretariat Assistant will be out in the form of PDF format.
22nd September 2023 : KVS PGT Result, TGT Result, Assistant Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner Result, etc., are only few of the recent exams for which the Kendriya Vidyala Sanghathan has begun announcing their respective results. Those who applied for the position of KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant in 2023 and are now waiting for their results can do so.
Also Read – KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Answer Key 2023, OMR Response Sheet.

KVS JSA Result 2023 Overview
Name Of The Organization | Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) |
Name Of The Post Name | Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA) |
Category | Exam Result |
Result Mode | Online |
Selection Based On | Written Exam, Skill Test, Interview, Doc. Verification |
Type of Post | Non Teaching |
Official Website | www.kvsangathan.nic.in |
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Authority has published the Response Sheet & Model Answer Key on 17th March. Hence, the KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Result is expected to be released in the month of April 2023.
KVS JSA Result – Important Dates
Events | Dates |
Application Last Date | 26th December 2022 |
Exam Date | 23 February to 1st March 2023 |
Admit Card Released Date | 26th February 2023 |
Result Date | April 2023 (Expected) |
How to Check KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Result 2023 ?
Follow the below-mentioned steps to download the KVS Jr Secretariat Assistant result:
- Step 1: Visit the official website of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan which is www.kvsangathan.nic.in.
- Step 2: Click on the “Announcement” section.
- Step 3: Click on the “KVS JSA Result” link.
- Step 4: Find and click on the “KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Result” link.
- Step 5: Download the KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Result in PDF format.
- Step 6: Search for your roll number or name in the KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Result PDF to check if you have qualified for the next round.
kvsangathan.nic.in Result Data Mentioned
Following particulars will be available with the KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Result :
- Candidate Name
- Father’s Name
- Mother’s Name
- Exam Date and Time
- Candidate Date of Birth
- Examination Name
- Exam Centre Name
- Exam Centre Code
- Applicant Photograph
- Gender (Male/Female)
- Category (ST/SC/OBC)
- Time Duration of the Exam
- Test Centre Address
- Applicant Roll Number
If there is any mistake in the Result Data, then comment below.
KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Cut Off Marks 2023
KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant cut off marks is the minimum marks required by the candidate to qualify for the next round of the recruitment process. The KVS JSA cut off is based on various factors, such as the number of vacancies, the number of candidates who appeared for the exam, the difficulty level of the exam, and the category of the candidate. The KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant cut off varies for different categories.
The KVS JSA cut off is released along with the KVS JSA Result. Candidates who score equal to or more than the KVS JSA cut off will be considered qualified for the next round.
Category | Cut Off Marks |
UR | 78% |
OBC | 75% |
SC | 73% |
ST | 70% |
KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Merit List 2023
The KVS JSA merit list is the list of candidates who have qualified for the next round of the recruitment process based on their scores in the exam. The KVS JSA merit list is prepared based on the candidate’s marks in the exam and the cut off. The KVS JSA merit list is released along with the result. Candidates who score higher marks than the KVS JSA cut off will be listed in the KVS JSA merit list.
In conclusion, the KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant merit list are important for candidates who appeared for the KVS JSA exam. Candidates who have qualified for the next round can start preparing for the further recruitment process.
KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Result Links
KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Admit Card 2023 | Click Here |
KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Syllabus 2023 | Click Here |
Official Website | kvsangathan.nic.in. |
The KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Result has already been released.
You can download the KVS JSA result by following the above-mentioned steps.
The KVS JSA cut off is the minimum marks required by the candidate to qualify for the next round of the recruitment process.
The KVS Junior Secretariat Assistant merit list is the list of candidates who have qualified for the next round of the recruitment process based on their scores in the exam.
The KVS JSA next round of the recruitment process details will be announced soon after the result declaration.
Priya says
When kvs JSA merit list will be announced