JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card 2023 : Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) conducts the Post Graduate Trained Teacher (PGT) Exam to recruit eligible candidates for the post of PGT in various government schools in Jharkhand. The JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card is an essential document that candidates must carry with them to the exam center. The Call Letter contains important information like the candidate’s name, roll number, exam date, and exam center details.
The JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card is generally released two weeks before the exam date. Candidates who have successfully completed the application process can download their Hall Ticket from the official website of JSSC. The process to download the JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card is straightforward and can be completed in a few simple steps.

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Latest Updated On 23rd September 2023 :The selection process requires passing the Written Exam and Document Verification. The call letter will contain vital information including jssc.nic.in PGT Teacher Admit Card 2023 to take the test. Get your exam call letter from the website below. Read the instructions on Jharkhand PGT Hall ticket 2023 before taking the exam.
JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card 2023 Overview
Name Of The Organization | Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission |
Name Of The Exam | JSSC Post Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Examination-2023 |
Vacancies | 3120 |
Apply Mode | Online |
Location | Jharkhand |
Category | Admit Card |
Official Website | www.jssc.nic.in |
JSSC PGT Teacher Hall Ticket Dates
Apply Staring Date | 05 April 2023 |
Apply Last Date | 04 May 2023 |
Correction Date | 10 May to 08 May 2023 |
Fee Payment Last Date | 06 May 2023 |
How to download the JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card ?
- Step 1: Visit the official website of JSSC (www.jssc.nic.in).
- Step 2: Click on the “JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card” link on the homepage.
- Step 3: Select the “PGT Teacher Exam” option.
- Step 4: Enter the required details like registration number and date of birth.
- Step 5: Click on the “Submit” button.
- Step 6: The JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card will be displayed on the screen.
- Step 7: Verify the details mentioned on the Hall Ticket like name, roll number, exam date, and center details.
- Step 8: Download and take a printout of the JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card.
JSSC PGT Teacher Call Letter Data Mentioned
- Candidate Name
- Father’s Name
- Mother’s Name
- Candidate Date of Birth
- Gender (Male/Female)
- Category (ST/SC/OBC)
- Exam Date and Time
- Applicant Roll Number
- Time Duration of the Exam
- Essential instructions for the examination
- Signature of candidate and exam counselor
- Test Centre Address
- Examination Name
- Exam Centre Name
- Exam Centre Code
- Applicant Photograph
Jharkhand SSC PGT Teacher Admit Card Document Required
- Voter ID
- PAN Card
- College ID
- Aadhar Card
- Bank Passbook
- Any Authorized ID Proof Issued by Gazetted Officer
- Ration Card
- Passport
- Driving License
Candidates should note that the JSSC PGT Teacher Call Letter is a crucial document and they must carry it with them to the exam center. In case a candidate fails to produce the Jharkhand PGT Admit Card at the exam center, he/she will not be allowed to appear for the exam.
Candidates should also carry a valid photo identity proof like Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, PAN Card, etc., along with the JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card to the exam center. It is advisable to keep multiple copies of the Hall Ticket for future reference.
In conclusion, the JSSC PGT Teacher Admit Card is an important document that candidates must carry with them to the exam center. The process to download the Admit Card is simple and can be completed in a few easy steps. Candidates should ensure that they verify the details mentioned on the Call Letter and carry a valid photo identity proof to the exam center.
Jharkhand PGT Teacher Admit Card Links
JSSC PGTTCE Recruitment 2023 | Click Here |
JSSC PGT Result 2023 | Click Here |
Official Website |
FAQs On www.jssc.nic.in Admit Card
It will be released a few weeks before the exam date.
Candidates can download it from the official website of JSSC by logging in with their credentials.
Candidates must carry a valid photo ID proof such as Aadhaar card, passport, or driving license, along with the admit card to the exam center.
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