ISRO Electronics Mechanical Computer Science Engineer Btech Recruitment 2024 Scientist (SC) post Eligibility Salary

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has released recruitment notification for the posts of Scientist Engineer (SC) posts in 2024. Vacancy for the posts have been declared as 80 in total. Btech / B.E engineering candidates are eligible for applying online in the posts of SC. Electronics (ECE), Computer Science (CSE), Mechanical (ME) trade engineering candidates can apply for the posts. Detailed eligibility criteria (qualification), monthly salary scale, age limit have been given below. For applying online, visit the official website which is Download the advertisement notification for ISRO Scientist Engineer Recruitment 2024 in PDF format from the link given at the last and read it carefully before applying.
Posts | Vacancy |
Electronics | 35 |
Mechanical | 35 |
Computer Science | 10 |
- The posts are basically for Scientist and Engineer ‘SC’.
- There is some sort of reservation applicable according to the eligibilities.
- The essential educational qualification recommended for the post is the candidate has to pass B.E/ B.Tech or its equivalent from any Government recognised University and Institute.
- The candidates have to pass their B.E/ B.Tech with minimum 65% of aggregate.
- The qualification is the minimum requirement for the posts.
- For the posts the candidates have to complete their education in the respective cadre.
ISRO Scientist Eligibility Criteria & Qualification Requirement Post Name Minimum Qualification Required Scientist / Engineer (SC) (ECE CS Mech) BE Btech with minimum marks as provided
- The upper age limit is 35 years.
- The age of the candidate should be between the limits.
- Ex-Serviceman and PWD candidates are eligible for age relaxation.
- The age limit is decided according to the relaxation.
- The salary is decided according to the post and qualification.
- ISRO offers the position of Scientist and Engineer ‘SC’ in Level 10 of Pay Matrix to the young graduates.
- The applicant should fill the form carefully as per rules and regulation.
- The photograph and signature should be in limits.
- The candidate has to submit relevant documents according to the posts.
- Candidates can use Net Banking, Debit or Credit Card for payment.
- Phase III – is the essential part for selection.
The selection will be done through some steps according to the post.
- Phase I – Academic Score for short listing.
- Phase II – Written Test
- Phase III – Interview
- Phase IV- Final Merit.
- The application fee for the candidates is Rs. 100/-.
- Candidates can pay the fee online or offline.
- Candidates have to the fee before the due date.
- The application will be collect by SBI.
IMPORTANT DATES OF ISRO SC ISRO Scientist Engineer Recruitment 2024:
- Last date for submission of application –
- Exam date for Phase II –
- Last date for submission of application fees –
- Official Websites –
How to Apply:
Candidates need to visit the official website of Indian Space Research Organisation Recruitment 2024 for applying online. Instruction and guidelines for the ISRO Scientist Engineer Recruitment can be found on below links which will redirect you to the official website.
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Click Here.
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