Indian Army material assistant previous years model question paper download PDF MCQ practice sample set

Indian Army material assistant previous question paper download model paper set 21 FAD written test has been discussed in this post. Previous years question paper can be downloaded from the official website which is Written examination will be carried out for the recruitment test of material assistant in Indian Army. 21 FAD will conduct the written test. The written examination will be of 2 hours duration. Syllabus of the Indian Army material assistant previous question paper will be of 10th class or SSC type. You can download the model question paper from the link given below. You can also find important MCQ question answer from the syllabus of the question paper of material assistant. The written examination will be of 150 marks.
Material assistant written exam model paper download PDF:
Below we have given the syllabus wise MCQ Questions Answers of the written test for the material assistant recruitment exam. there will be 4 subject in the written test. candidates will be able to download the model questions answer from the link given below in PDF format –
General Intelligence & Reasoning
Numerical Aptitude
General English
General Awareness
Model Sample Question Paper may be solved from the above subjects. The more you practice the Multiple choice objective questions the better will be your preparation.
Indian Army material assistant previous year question paper download 21 FAD:
Previous year question paper may be found on the official website once the upload the same. you can also use the PDF previous years question paper as Practice set for the upcoming material assistant recruitment exam for Indian Army old question papers or last 5 years and last 10 years fully solved Indian Army material assistant previous question paper may be uploaded on the official website. Below we have given the link of the official website where previous years question paper may be found in PDF format.
Official website – click here.
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