Jharkhand Govt job 2024 – Gram Rojgar Sewak (GRS), technical assistant recruitment in DRDA Ranchi

District Rural Development agency or DRDA has released a latest govt job notification advertisement for GRS. This GRS or Gram Rojgar Sewak will be posted under the state govt of Jharkhand. Vacancy has been mentioned as 116. Along with the GRS, Computer and Technical assistants will also be recruited in DRDA. The advertisement not for the recruitment is given as 615(II)/G.G dated 23-03-2024. Application will be invited from suitable candidates who must fill up the form by 15-04-2024.
Please see the below summarized information to know more on the latest Job in Jharkhand.
Details of the post vacancy:
Given below is the vacancy break up (post wise) –
- Technical assistant – 22 posts.
- Assistant accountant – 8 posts.
- Computer assistant – 10 posts.
- Gram Rojgar Sewak – 76 posts.
Important Dates of Recruitment:
Last date for filling up the online application form – 15-04-2024.
Last date for submission of hard copies – 20-04-2024.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility for Technical assistant – Diploma or B.Tech in Civil Engineering.
Assistant accountant – B.com with 50% marks.
Computer assistant – B.Sc in Computer Science.
Gram Rojgar Sewak – 12th / 10+2 pass should be the minimum qualification to apply for the post.
Salary Structure:
Different salary will be given post wise and they are
Rs 17,520 for Technical assistant (who is equivalent to the posts of Junior Engineer).
Rs 8000 for post 2 and 3.
Rs 6050 for post 4.
Selection Process:
Detailed recruitment steps and exam pattern has been provided by Jharkhand DRDA on their official website.
Age Limit:
Candidates should be at least 18 years old to apply for the post. Maximum age limit has been given as 35 years for general category, 37 years for OBC, SC(Male) 38 and SC(Female) 40 years.
How to Apply:
Application must be filled up online. After filling up the application form a candidate has to print it and should send it to the office address of Jharkhand District Rural Develoment agency. They have to attach photocopies of important documents those have been prescribed in their recruitment add. Please remember that the documents need to be send by speed post and registered post.
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Download From Here.
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