Syllabus & Recruitment Process of DLSC Birbhum Gram & Panchayat Samiti Posts

Detailed Exam Pattern, Recruitment Process, Selection steps, Written Test Syllabus of the recruitment of various posts under District Level Selection Committee or DLSC in Gram Panchayat Birbhum is given here. There are posts for various gram panchayat karmee, nirman sahayak (civil engineer), sahayak, clerk, DEO, Secretary etc and recruitment procedure, marks distribution and written exam syllabus have been discussed here in detail. There are some DLSC Birbhum Exam Pattern computer test / interview / typing test which will also be held and their syllabus is also provided here and can be downloaded as given below.
Recruitment Process / selection steps:
Recruitment for various posts under DLSC Birbhum will be done through several steps. Different steps or selection methods are there for the recruitment of each of the posts in DLSC like Gram Panchayat Karmee, Nirman Sahayak (diploma civil engineer) and others. We have given a general overview of the steps in the selection procedure. Most of the exam pattern will contain 3 steps –
- Written Exam,
- Practical / computer test / typing test,
- Interview / personality test or viva voce test.
Marks distribution / Full marks of the exam:
Total marks for the exam will be 100 except that of Gram Panchayat Karmee where the exam will be of 50 marks. For viva there will be either 10 or 15 marks.
Written Exam Pattern:
The written exam will be of Objective type or Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) type where 4 options will be given. Answer is required to be given in OMR sheet. There will be negative marking. One mark will be deducted for wrongly marking an answer.
Computer Test / Practical test:
For some posts there will be computer test or typing test. For DEO and Clerks post in DLSC Birbhum, there will be typing test. Syllabus of the computer proficiency test has been given on their official advertisement.
Click to see latest detailed notice – DLSC Birbhum Recruitment 2016 Gram Panchayat Karmee 343 Post
Viva test or interview:
Final selection will be done on the basis of merit list prepared after combining marks of both the Mains test and interview.
Final Selection:
Shortlisting of candidates will be done on the basis of marks achieved in Written, computer test (if applicable) and viva exam.
Written Exam Syllabus:
For Gram Panchayat Karmi –
English – 10 marks (General Academic standard of H.S),
Bengali– 10 marks (General Academic standard of H.S.),
Arithmetic – 10 marks (Madhyamik Level),
General Knowledge – 10 marks Emphasis on Rural life & Rural Development).
For Nirmal Sahayak –
Engineering (Civil) : 65 marks
English: 13 marks (Madhyamik Standard)
General Knowledge: 07 marks
Syllabus of Civil Engineering is available on advertisement. Please download the official notice from the link given at the past of the page.
For Gram Panchayat Secretary –
English: 25 marks,
Bengali: 25 marks,
Arithmetic: 25 marks,
General Knowledge: 10 marks.
- For more information on the exam pattern, syllabus and selection process please visit Official Website.
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