Teaching (professor, associate & assistant professor) and Non-teaching Posts Recruitment in COA, New Delhi

Vacancy for teaching and non-teaching posts has been published for COA, New Delhi. Candidates who are interested for the posts can find the detailed eligibility and other information from below which has been given on their advertisement. For more info please visit colart.delhigovt.nic.in.
Details of the post:
Teaching (professor, assistant & associate professor) and non-teaching posts in College of Arts, New Delhi.
Total vacancy for the recruitment drive in College of Arts is 118. Post wise vacancy break up list is given below –
Teaching Staff: 108 vacancy for professor, associate and assistant professor in following subjects –
Applied Art – 36,
Painting – 12,
Sculpture – 8,
Print Making – 16,
Visual communication – 28,
Art History – 8.
Non-teaching Staffs: 10 vacancy in following posts –
Mechanic Grade B – 1 post,
Carpenter – 1,
Molder – 1,
Attendant – 3,
Dark Room attendant – 1,
Gest operator – 1,
Peon – 2.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility for Professor – Candidates must have done Bachelors and Master’s degree with first class and should also have Ph.D degree. They should also possess 10 year experience.
For associate professor – Bachelor and master degree with 5 years’ experience and Ph.D in similar discipline.
For assistant professor – Bachelor and master degree with first class from recognized university. No experience is required.
For non-teaching posts – Candidates must have passed 10th (for some posts class VIII pass) with having trade knowledge in relevant subject and its certificate.
Important Dates of Recruitment:
Last date of application form submission –
Salary Structure:
The recruited salary of the part time professor, assistant professor and non-teaching staffs has not been mentioned in the advertisement of COA, National Capital Terittory Govt (NCT). They will be paid consolidated salary on fixed (contract) basis.
Selection Process / Exam Pattern:
The candidates will be recruited after interview.
Age Limit:
Lower Limit = 18 years for most of the posts of Non-teaching staffs.
Upper Limit = 25 years.
Relaxation in upper age limit will be given to the reserved category candidates.
Exam Fee:
Non exam fee is required to apply for the posts.
How to Apply:
Candidates can apply for the posts after visiting the website of College of Arts. Candidates can download the application and fill it up duly with all attachments. The scanned application is to be sent to the mail address on [email protected] to the principal. Candidates need to send the form before the last date. If you need more clarification about the recruitment process, please go through the links.
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Download From Here.
Good Luck!!
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