CG Vyapam High Court previous years question paper Download CG High Court AG3 Previous papers PDF format Chhattisgarh High Court Assistant Grade 3, DEO Old Solved Question Paper.
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CG Vyapam High Court Bilaspur Recruitment Exam Previous Question Papers are very important for the upcoming written test. Many posts like Assistant Grade III (AG3), Data Entry Operator, Computer Programmer and other various staffs will be recruited through competitive examination. The syllabus will comprise of various subjects that too depending upon the post applied for. Therefore, those who already have filled up the application form against the various posts of CG Vyapam High Court Recruitment Test 2018 must download the Old Question Papers for practice. So, below we have discussed Chhattisgarh High Court Bilaspur Question Papers with answer key and Sample Questions Answers. At the end of the article, we have discussed some model practice questions in MCQ format which will also act as Study Materials.
Download CG Vyapam High Court Previous Papers Solved Old Question Paper PDF
Name of the Organization | Chhattisgarh Vyapam |
Authority Name | CG High Court |
Post Name | DEO, Assistant Grade III (AG3), Programmer, Hardware Engineer etc. |
Previous Question Paper format | |
Official portal | |

There are some sort of model questions answers which will also act as sample practice test if you practice those as per syllabus. Even if you read the CG Vyapam High Court Assistant Study Materials free in Downloadable PDF format, then also it will be of great help to the aspirants.
CG High Court Previous Years Question Paper
Chhattisgarh High Court Previous Years Question Paper Download Link will be available shortly if the official portal updates the same. Moreover, if you have solved the CG Vyapam High Court Previous years Question Paper along with the official answer key, you should also know that what type of questions will come or the complexity level of the questions.
The syllabus of the High Court of Chhattisgarh (CGHC) Sahayak Recruitment Examination 2018 has been provided by the cgvyapam authority. We have also written a post regarding the same. You must understand and deeply know the CG High Court Recruitment Exam Syllabus 2018. So, f you dont really know the exam pattern, just take a look in the post below –
Check here – CG Vyapam High Court Assistant Syllabus 2018.
Chhattisgarh Vyapam High Court Bilaspur Question Paper
1) Kapil, left in an aeroplane / (P), after reading a sailing magazine/ (Q), had decided/ ®, to build his own boat nine years earlier/ (S)
a) P R Q S
b) R S Q P
c)R Q P SS
d) P S R Q
Ans: b
2) Each culture, flourishes when it comes/ (P), own tradition an dyet/ (Q), draws strength from its/ ®, into contact with others/ (S)
a) R Q P S
b) S P Q R
c) R P Q S
d) S Q P R
ans: a
3) At what per cent per annum Rs 3000 amount to Rs.3993 in 3yr if the interest is compounded annually?
a) 9%
b) 10%
c) 11%
d) 13%
4) The fourth proportional to 0.12,0.21,8 is
a) 8.9
b) 56
c) 14
d) 17
5) The concept of death, that it has been reduced/ (P), as an inevitability/ (Q), is so ancient/ (R), to a cliché/ (S)
a) S P R Q
b) Q R P s
c) S R P Q
d) Q P R S
ans: b
6) Women, are more likely to give birth prematurely/ (P), and their babies are at increased risk/ (Q), who are poorly nourished or sick/ ®, of death and disability/ (S)
a) R Q S p
b) R P Q S
c) Q S P R
d) Q S R P
ans: b
7) Today, in the country/ (P), offers the best connectivity, both/ (Q), Kerala, among all states/ (R), in terms of telecom and datacom/ (S)
a) R P Q S
b) S Q P R
c) R Q P S
d) S P Q R
ans: a
Directions : In each of the following questions a word is followed by four options. You have to choose the option that is the most appropriate synonym to the given word.
8) Foment
A) Vex
b) Waste
c) Renounce
d) Instigate
ans: d
9) Placate
a) Rouse
b) Harass
c) Pacify
d) Rejoice
ans: c
10) Solicitous
a) Obscene
b) Wise
c) Wholesome
d) Confident
ans: a
11) Adulation
a) Approval
b) Extension
c) Applause
d) Greeting
ans: c
12) Sordid
a) Harmful
b) Dirty
c) Splendid
d) Dangerous
ans: b
13) Debunk
a) Expose
b) Cheat
c) Threaten
d) Pacify
ans: a
Directions : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
14) These medicines are ____ for curing cold.
a) Proper
b) Real
c) Effective
d) Capable
ans: c
15) It was ____ hot that day and the cable suffered the brunt of the heat.
a) treacherously
b) acceptably
c) unfailingly
d) unbelievably
ans: d
16) Dowry is no longer permitted by law even in ___ marriage.
A) love
b) conventional
c) natural
d) bigamous
ans: a
17) Anita ___ me of a girl I used to know.
a) remembers
b) recalls
c) recollects
d) reminds
ans: d
18) He applied for and was ___ legal aid by the Labour Ministry.
a) offered
b) granted
c) allowed
d) awarded
ans: b
19) The new industrial policy is a result of the confidence the government has in the ___ of the Indian industry.
a) opinion
b) existence
c) status
d) maturity
ans: d
20) Authority ___ when it is not supported by the moral purity of its user.
a) waits
b) crumbles
c) empowers
d) prevails
ans: b
21) Cos 720 – sin 180 is equal to
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2sin180
d) None of these
22) (256)0.16 x(4)0.36 is equal to
a) 64
b) 16
c) 256.25
d) 4
23) The ratio between two numbers is 3 : 4. If each number is increased by 6, then ratio becomes 4 : 5. The difference between the numbers is
a) 1
b) 3
c) 6
d) 8
24) If (64)2—(36)2 = 20 x x then x=?
a) 70
b) 120
c) 180
d) 140
25) The product of two coprimes is 117.Their LCM should be
b) 117
c) equal to their HCF
d) Can’t be determined
Chhattisgarh Vyapam High Court Assistant AG3 Study Materials
The question papers of the Assistant Grade 3 Recruitment Exams may be uploaded by the official authority soon. As of now, you should solve the Model Papers of the AG3, DEO Exam as well as practice the MCQ Questions Answers along with free study materials. Also follow the basic and recommended booklists for the CG High Court Assistant Recruitment Exam 2018-2019.
For more updates regarding the CG Vyapam High Court Previous years Question Paper and model practice sets, keep visiting
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