BSPCL Assistant Engineer Result 2023 Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited Cut off Marks – may soon issue shortlist or merit list for the posts of BSPHCL AE Result 2023. The shortlisted candidates based on Valid GATE score will be called for interview. Keep visiting us to get more information on BSPHCL AE Result & Shortlist.
BSPCL, NBPDCL, SBPDCL, BSPTCL Date of Result will be discussed here. The of the BSPHCL AE Result examination in the discipline of Electrical and Civil is expected to get released shortly. Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited will recruit apt candidates for the above mentioned posts on behalf of its subsidiary companies like North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (NBPDCL), South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (SBPDCL) and Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited (BSPTCL).
Since the date of releasing the BSPHCL AE Result has not been announced by the company yet so the applicants are urged to check the website from time to time to get all the updated information.
Latest Update on 21st August 2023- The eagerly awaited BSPHCL Assistant Engineer exam results are set to be unveiled on September 5, 2023. Aspirants can finally discover their performance in this crucial examination. Stay tuned for the publishing date and get ready to embrace the outcome of your hard work and dedication.”
Bihar State Power Holding Company (BSPHCL) AE Result 2023- Shortlist Download
Name of the Examination | BSPHCL Assistant |
Name of the Department | Bihar State Power Holding Corporation limited |
Name of the Post | Assistant Engineer. |
Vacancies | Various |
Location | Bihar |
Exam Mode | Online Test |
Application Fee | Rs.1500 |
Exam Purpose | Written,CBT & Interview |
Exam Helpdesk No. | (0612)-2504036 |
Official Website | |
BSPHCL AE Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post | Vacancies |
Accounts Officer : | 52 Posts. |
Assistant Engineer (Electronics) : | 07 Posts. |
IT Manager : | 98 Posts. |
Assistant Electrical Engineer : | 218 Posts. |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) : | 24 Posts. |
Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) : | 18 Posts. |
Total | 417 Posts. |
BSPHCL JEE Asst Solved Question Paper Download
BSPHCL AE Result 2023 Assistant Engineer GATE Score Based Merit list
Preparation of the Merit list of Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited recruitment for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Electrical and Civil) 2020: Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited will recruit apt candidates for the above mentioned posts on behalf of its subsidiary BSPHCL AE Result companies like North Bihar Power Distribution Company LImited (NBPDCL), South Bihar Power Distribution Company LImited (SBPDCL) and Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited (BSPTCL) based on the merit list. There will not be any kind of screening test conducted by the company. Instead a combined BSPHCL AE Result will be prepared on the basis of the valid GATE score of the candidates. The merit list will be category wise.
Expected BSPHCL Cut Off marks 2023
Category | Cut Off Marks |
UG | 78% |
OBC | 71% |
SC | 63% |
ST | 54% |
BSPHCL Assistant Engineer Result 2023
Those candidates who will score the minimum qualifying marks in their Engineering examination will be considered in this respect. Those scoring less than that will not be considered for the post of Assistant Engineer (Electrical and Civil). Apart from that scoring a valid BSPHCL AE Result 2023 in GATE will also be considered to be essential. The candidates must submit the GATE score at the time of submitting their online application otherwise their application will be rejected.
Merit List will be available here.
According to the score of GATE, merit list will be prepared and those scoring high will definitely get preference. The BSPHCL AE Result 2023 will be published by the Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited on the website and the candidates will be able to check it from there.
BSPHCL Junior Engineer Admit Card Download
Cut off Marks of Assistant Engineer (Electrical and Civil) Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited 2023
The Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited has not announced the cut off marks for GATE to recruit candidates for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Electrical and Civil). The decision regarding the selection of the BSPHCL AE Result candidates for the posts will taken by the company and no influence or request will be entertained regarding this.
Important Dates:
- Starting Date of Application: 16th March 2023.
- Last Date of Application: 23rd March 2023.
- Merit List Publishing Date: Available Soon.
हमने यहां BSPHCL AE Result 2023 से संबंधित सभी जानकारी प्रदान की है | कुछ और जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए नियमित रूप से हमारी वेबसाइट पर बैठता है | हमारी वेबसाइट टी है
Data Mentioned On BSPHCL AE Result
- Name of the student
- Date of birth,
- Registration no.,
- Enrollment number,
- Theory marks,
- Course/programs,
- Total marks,
- Result status
- Semester,
- Hall ticket no.,
- Gender,
- Date of exam,
- Category,
BSPHCL AE Result 2023 – FAQ
The BSPHCL Recruitment process has two stages: the first is a computer-based test, and the second is document verification.
The minimum age requirement for applicants is 18 years old. There are some exceptions to the maximum age requirement that candidates can meet, and these exceptions are contingent on the category they fall under.
Once it has been made public, the BSPHCL AE Result cannot be contested.
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