Bilaspur University Result 2025 : Get all the latest updated details regarding the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya 1st Semester Result 2025 from here. We have collected huge details about the Bilaspur University Result of the ABVV Semester exam 2025. Hence, aspirants can gain complete knowledge about the status of the Bilaspur University Result 2025 from this description. The official of the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya has declared the Bilaspur University Result. Including all the courses like M.Sc, MA, M.Com, BCA, BA, B.Sc, B.Com & Others the Bilaspur University Result 2025 is available online over the official site that is Therefore, you can follow the official page for more info.
Read Here – Maharashtra Forest Guard Result
Bilaspur University Result 2025-Download
- 29-Oct-24 Retotaling Result 514 M.A./M.Sc. MATHEMATICS (FOURTH SEMESTER) (JUNE-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Retotaling Result 5052 M.Sc. ZOOLOGY (SECOND SEMESTER) (JUNE-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Retotaling Result 544 M.Sc. BOTANY (FOURTH SEMESTER) (JUNE-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 8007 B.COM PART-I (ONE) (10+2+3) (OLD COURSE) (MAR.-APR.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 067 M.Com. (Final) (MAR.-APR.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 8019 B.A. PART-I (ONE) (PRIVATE) (OLD COURSE) (MAR.-APR.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Retotaling Result 911 LL.B. PART ONE (II SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Retotaling Result 104 B.A. L.L.B. (IV SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Retotaling Result 915 LL.B. PART THREE (II SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Retotaling Result 913 LL.B. PART TWO (II SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 932 B.COM. LL.B. SECOND SEMESTER (NEW COURSE) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 9011 LL.B. PART ONE (II SEM.) (NEW COURSE) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 913 LL.B. PART TWO (II SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 915 LL.B. PART THREE (II SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 110 B.A. L.L.B. (X SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 911 LL.B. PART ONE (II SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 104 B.A. L.L.B. (IV SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 106 B.A. L.L.B. (VI SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 108 B.A. L.L.B. (VIII SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 096 LL.B. PART THREE (II SEM.) (OLD COURSE) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 102 B.A. L.L.B. (II SEM.) (JULY-AUG.-2024)
- 29-Oct-24 Revaluation Result 311 M.A. (Final) History (MAR.-APR.-2024)
Important Dates of Bilaspur University Result 2025
UG Course Admit Card Publishing Date | 24th September 2025 |
Date of Examination | 29th November to 4th December 2025 |
PG Course Admit Card Publishing Date | 7th November 2025 |
Date of Examination | 10th -17th December 2025 |
UG & PG Result Publishing Date | Yet Not Published |
In addition to that for the sake of the individuals, a direct link has been enclosed at the bottom of this page. The participants can utilize that direct link to get the ABVV Result 2025 easily. However, during the login time, the aspirants need to provide the registration number and password. Therefore, keep the login info handy while going to verify the exam Bilaspur University Result.
About Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya
Name of the Exam Conducting University | Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya (ABVV) – Bilaspur University |
Corse Offered | UG, PG, Diploma, Certificate, M.Phil Courses & Phd |
Test Name | Annual/ Semester Exams |
Article Category | University Result |
The Date of Declaration ABVV Exam Result | Available Now |
The Mode of ABVV Result Announcement | Online |
Official Address | |
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya Semester Exam Result 2025
The higher authorities of the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya (ABVV) – Bilaspur University offers Undergraduate & Postgraduate courses in various streams. Including all the courses like M.Sc, MA, M.Com, BCA, BA, B.Sc, B.Com, BBA, DCA, PGDCA, B.Ed, & Others the board member has conducted the semester exams on the given time schedule. Basically, after finishing the exam the students get curious to know their performing state in the exam. However, the good news is that the Bilaspur University Result is available online.
Download ABVV Exam Mark Sheet 2025
However, the Bilaspur University UG Semester Exam Marks Sheet 2025 will be made available through the offline mode. As well as the students have to collect the original marks sheet from the Bilaspur University Result 2025 relevant office. After receiving the ABVV Exam PG Semester Exam Marks Sheet 2025 cross-check the printed details. Therefore, you will be able to know your qualifying status, Bilaspur University Result, subjects wise score, overall grade, percentage in the exam. In case of any discrepancy report it to the higher official for correction.
Important Links
Bilaspur University Result | Click Here |
Bilaspur University Admit Card | Click Here |
Bilaspur University Exam Date | Click Here |
Bilaspur University Question Paper | Click Here |
Check Here – Bilaspur University Admit Card
ABVV UG PG Semester Reassessment Exam Result 2025
The students who have performed well in the exam but their marks are not the same as expected they can go through the revaluation process. However, the date and time of the rechecking will be intimated to the students by an official notification. In addition to that, the individuals have to fill the application form within the 15 days of the Bilaspur University Result.
As well as you have to choose a particular subject in which you want to seek revaluation. Additionally, the aspirants have to pay a nominal fee for it. However, the revaluation fee is not refundable. After that keep patience for a few more days to get the revaluation Bilaspur University Result.
Details Method on Bilaspur University Result
- Name of the student
- Registration no.,
- Enrollment number,
- Date of birth,
- Marks obtained in each subject,
- Practical marks/internal assessment (if applicable),
- Theory marks,
- Course/programs,
- Semester,
- Hall ticket no.,
- Gender,
- Date of exam,
- Category,
- Total marks,
- Marks percentage,
- Result status
Bilaspur University Grade
A | 90-100 |
B | 80-89 |
C | 70-79 |
D | 60-69 |
E | 59 & Below |
ABVV Exam Result 2025 Checking Online Steps
Follow the simple and user-friendly steps to check the Bilaspur University Result.
- Primarily, the students need to visit the official website of the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya – Bilaspur University which is
- Instantly, the homepage of the organization will appear in front of you.
- Now, on that page find out the link named Bilaspur University Result.
- Enter your Roll number of Name.
- After that hit on the “Search” button.