WB Bana Sahayak Interview Questions & Answers: Hello Aspirants, We have provided Bana Sahayak Interview Questions & Answers in Bengali as well as English Language. The West Bengal Forest Department will conduct Interview for the Bana Sahayak post in upcoming months. Candidates must prepare for the Interview beforehand and they should know the syllabus of the Oral / Viva Test to be conducted there. Read some important Bana Sahayak Interview Questions with Answers and download it in the PDF format.
Also Check – WB Bana Sahayak Result 2023 Interview List & Schedule Out!
WB Bana Sahayak Interview Questions and Answers
1) রগ কামেশ্বরী কে রচনা করেছিলেন ?
উত্তর: পণ্ডিত রবিশঙ্কর.
2) কোন আন্দোলন হিন্দু ও মুসলমান উভয়েরই সমর্থন পেয়েছে?
উত্তর: অসহযোগ আন্দোলন.
3) জয়ন্ত তালুকদার কোন খেলার সঙ্গে যুক্ত ছিল ?
উত্তর: ধনুর্বিদ্যা.
4) ওয়ার্ল্ড ওয়াইল্ডলাইফ ফান্ড (ডাব্লুডাব্লুএফ) এর পশুর প্রতীক কী?
উত্তর: দৈত্য পান্ডা.
5) ভারতের প্রথম টকি চলচ্চিত্র কি ছিল ?
উত্তর: আলম আরা
6) আপনি যখন ভুবনেশ্বর থেকে বিশাখাপত্তনম গাড়িতে যাতায়াত করেন, তখন আপনি কোন জাতীয় মহাসড়কে যাবেন?
উত্তর: NH 5
7) আওরঙ্গজেব কর্তৃক নিহত শিখ গুরু কে ছিলেন?
উত্তর: তেগ বাহাদুর.
Recommended Book for Interview-
For more & sample Bana Sahayak Interview Questions in Hindi, English & Bengali language, keep visiting www.jobsandhan.com. Also check the WB Forest Dept Website in order to get the latest updates regarding the Bana Sahayak Recruitment 2023.
FAQs on Bana Sahayak Interview Questions with Answer
Bana Sahayaks are forest assistants who support forest officials in various tasks such as patrolling, wildlife conservation, and afforestation.
The specific qualifications may vary, but generally, candidates should have completed their 10th or 12th grade education. Physical fitness and a passion for nature and wildlife are also desirable qualities.
Interviewers may ask about the candidate’s knowledge of local flora and fauna, their ability to work in challenging conditions, their understanding of forest conservation practices, and their motivation for joining the field.
It is recommended to study the local wildlife, familiarize oneself with forest conservation practices, and be prepared to discuss previous experiences working outdoors or in related fields. It is also important to demonstrate a genuine interest in the conservation of forests and wildlife.