Download Solved Model Paper Panchayat Secretary Gr IV APPSC Screening Test Previous Years Question PDF
APPSC Panchayat Secretary Grade IV Screening Test (preliminary) solved question paper is given below. The fully solved model question paper can be downloaded in PDF format. Previous years question paper downloading link is also given. The Andhra Pradesh PSC will recruit the panchayat secretary on the basis of screening test and main exam. Recruited Panchayat Secretary Group 4 will join the APPSC Panchayat Raj Service. Old question papers are very necessary if you are preparing for the exam deeply. Last APPSC Panchayat Secretary Previous Years Model Question Paper need to be practiced thoroughly. The solved model question practice set contains MCQ question as the AP Public Service Commission will conduct the exam based on objective questions. Sample paper set contains 15 question from General Awareness (knowledge) / GK subject/ reasoning. MCQ questions from Language subjects will also be there.
Download Model Question Paper APPSC Panchayat Secretary Screening Test:
1) Which of the following Vedas was compiled first?
(a) Rigveda
(b) Samaveda
(c) Yajurveda
(d) Atharvaveda
Ans: (a)
2) The Phrase the ‘Light of Asia’ is applied to
(a) Alexander
(b) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Mahavira
(d) The Buddha
Ans: (d)
3) The proceedings of the Third Buddhist Council led to the issue of Edict?
(a) Sanchi
(b) Sarnath
(c) Bhabra
(d) Kalinga
Ans: (b)
4) The correct sequence of the different sections of the Himalayas in terms of their stretch (in kilometre) in the descending order is :
(a) Punjab Him., Kumaon Him., Nepal Him., Assam Him.
(b) Nepal Him., Assam Him., Punjab Him., Kumaon Him.
(c) Kumaon, Hlm., Nepal Him., Assam Him., Punjab Him.
(d) Nepal Him., Assam Him., Kumaon Him., Punjab Him.
Ans: (b)
5) Kanchipuram is in which of the following states?
(a) Kerala
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Karnataka
Ans: (c)
6) The most important commercial forests of India are:
(a) tropical evergreen
(b) tropical deciduous
(c) coniferous
(d) mangrove
Ans: (b)
7) Who among the following is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution?
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Vallabhbhai PateI
Ans: (a)
8) India became a Sovereign, democratic republic on:
(a) Aug 15, 1947
(b) Jan 30, 1948
(c) Jan 26, 1950
(d) Nov 26, 1929
Ans: (c)
9) The main objective of First Five-year Plan was:
(a) industrial growth
(b) economic growth
(c) development of agriculture including irrigation and power projects
(d) self-reliance
Ans: (c)
10) Which one of the following is the correct sequence in the decreasing order of production (in million tonnes) of the given foodgrains in India?
(a) Wheat – Rice Pulses Coarse cereals
(b) Rice – Wheat cereals
(c) Wheat – Rice – Coarse cereals Pulses
(d) Rice – Wheat – Coarse cereals Pulses
Ans: (d)
Directions: (Q 11) Choose the correct alternative from the given one that will complete the series.
a) MN
b) UV
c) KO
d) YZ
ans: c
Directions: (Q 12) In each of the following questions, select the related letters/word/numbers from the given alternatives.
12) Portfolio : Securities
a) Lecture : Consignment
b) Star : Class
c) Trustee : Company
d) Panel : Jurors
ans: d
13) A girl introduced a boy as the son of the daughter of the father of her uncle, The boy is girl’s
a) Brother
b) son
c) Uncle
d) Nephew
ans: a
14) Arrange the numbers in to as ascending order.
1. 864253 2. 842563 3. 825643 4. 834562 5. 852463
a) 1,3,2,5,4
b) 3,4,3,5,1
c) 3,4,2,5,1
d) 4,5,3,1,2
ans: c
15) If the 5th date of a month is Tuesday ,what date will be 3 days after the 3rd Friday in the month?
a) 19
b) 18
c) 17
d) 22
ans: a
Download Previous Years Question Paper APPSC Panchayat Secretary:
AP PSC previous years / old question papers can be downloaded from the official website link given below when the Andhra Pradesh PSC authority released the APPSC Panchayat Secretary Previous Years Model Question Paper on the portal. Last 5 years / 10 years old question papers also may be found there. If you are interested in the old question papers for 2015, 2014 and so on, you may found the below link useful.
Download Link for Previous Years Question Paper – Click here.
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