APPSC Extension Officer Syllabus 2024 Prelims & Mains Exam Pattern & Selection Process: The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Extension Officer Exam Syllabus 2024 is out and attached here. Go through the following description to acquire complete knowledge about the APPSC Extension Officer Exam Syllabus & Andhra Pradesh PSC EO Test Pattern 2024. As well as the postulants can also check the provided study materials, preparation tips, exam tricks for better preparation. In addition to that, the individuals can download the pdf of the APPSC Extension Officer Exam Syllabus from this site at free of cost. For more details about the APPSC Extension Officer exam scroll down the following sections.
Download APPSC Extension Officer Hall Ticket 2024.
Important Date
Application Starting Date | March 2024 |
Application Last Date | April 2024 |
Admit Card Released date | May Last Week 2024 |
Exam date | June 2024 |
Result Date | Available Soon |
Download APPSC Extension Officer Syllabus 2024 EO Exam Pattern

The enrolled aspirants of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Extension Officer Recruitment 2024, have to prepare well for the exam. If you don’t have complete data about the APPSC Extension Officer Syllabus, you cant take the best preparation. Besides that without any preparation, cracking this type of competitive exam is not easy. Thus, the applicants have to work hard. We recommend the aspirants before taking preparation for the APPSC EO exam 2024, must analyze the Exam Syllabus 2024. The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
The APPSC Extension Officer Syllabus contains huge info about the exam. So it helps the competitors to know the subjects, topics, concepts of the exam. In addition to that, the individuals need to verify the APPSC Test Pattern 2024. The test pattern comprises the nature of questions, marking scheme, maximum marks, number of total question, the time duration of the exam etc. So, first of all, go through all the details. As per your requirement practice all the topics. So that you can easily score the highest marks in the exam.
Click here–> General Awareness
APPSC Extension Officer Exam Pattern
Name of the Exam Conducting Organization | Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission |
The Name of the Job Designation | Extension Officer |
Number of Available Vacant Scopes | 109 |
The Procedure of Selection | Written Exam and Interview |
Posting Area | Andhra Pradesh |
Official Address | |
Selection Process of APPSC Extension Officer Recruitment
- Preliminary Exam/Screening Test.
- Mains Exam.
The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission has been issued an employment notice a few days ago. As per the APPSC Recruitment 2024, there are a number of 109 vacancies are available for the extension officer posts. Thus the online applications are invited from the willing candidates. The job seekers who want to grab this opportunity must gain full details about the Andhra Pradesh PSC Recruitment 2024. Check, every info like eligibility criteria, educational qualification, age limit, application process, salary, selection mode etc. If you are satisfied with all the terms and conditions, offered by the recruitment board, go to applying before 18/01/2024.
APPSC Extension Officer Syllabus
Subject | Marks | |
Paper-1 | General Studies,Mental Ability | 150 |
Paper-2 | Food Science and Nutrition,Child Development,Social Work | 150 |
Total | 300 |
General Studies
- General Science and it applications to the day to day life Contemporary developments
in Science & Technology and information Technology
- Social- economic and political history of modern India with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
- Indian polity and governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms and
e-governance initiatives with specific reference to Andhra Pradesh.
- Economic development in India since independence with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
- Physical geography of Indian sub-continent and Andhra Pradesh.
- Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention and mitigation strategies,
Mental Ability
- Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.
- Data Analysis:
a) Tabulation of data
b) Visual representation of data
c) Basic data analysis (Summary Statistics such as mean, median, mode, variance and
coefficient of variation) and Interpretation
Food Science and Nutrition
- Basic food group which will provide nutrition, requirement for normal health; bodybuilding goods, energy food and protective foods – Cereals – millets, legumes, oilseeds, milk and milk products, flesh goods, egg, fish, vegetables, fruits – Nutritive Value; selection, storage, processing and cooking methods their effect on nutritive value and palatability – 13 evaluation of food quality – subjective methods of measuring quality of products – products – preparation of score cards.
- Food poisoning, food allergy – Biological function, food sources and deficiency signs of carbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamins and minerals – Nutritional inter-relationships.
- Food and Nutrient requirement in human life cycle – Adulthood pregnancy – lactation – infancy – preschool age, school age, preadolescence and adolescence – nutritionally vulnerable groups – factors effect in nutrient requirements.
- Principles of meal planning – principle of diet in diseases. Therapeutic modification of normal diet during dietary deficiencies diseases – Anemia, PCM, Vit.A and other common diseases – Fever Diseases of gastrointestinal tract, obesity, Diabetes – Heart diseases and Renal diseases.
- Assessment of nutritional status of communities and their interpretation-clinical Biochemical – Anthropometry – Biophysical and Diet surveys.
Child Development
- Factors affecting growth and development of child prenatal care preparation for childbirth – premature baby – causes postnatal care breastfeeding v.s. bottle feeding weaning – immunization, physical intellectual, and emotional development during infancy toddlerhood – childhood and adolescence developmental talks – physical and physiological needs of young children – Learning types and effects importance of play – language growth – Habit of formation.
- Creches and Balwadies – Importance of pre-school education needs and characteristics of pre-school child – Needs of Importance in the growth and development of children
- Population education, Child and family Welfare services of State National and International Agencies. Demographic characteristics of child population, emerging philosophy of Child Welfare and emphasized in the Children’s Character of Rights, Indian Constitution and other legislative provision.Children in need of special care, the disabled, the deserted and disturbed in the role of professional help and services available.
- Agriculture productivity trends – Demand and supply of food grain – Agriculture planning and Government policy – Credit and credit institutions in the agricultural sector – Agricultural marketing – Storages losses – Rural reconstruction – Community development and Panchayats – their principles and organisations.
Social Work
- Methods of Social Work: Definition, Scope, Principles and values of casework, Group
work and Community Organization.
- Fields of Social Work: Government and Voluntary efforts, difference between Consent, Scope and Nature of Social Work. Definition of the terms Social Welfare,
- Social Service, Social Reform and Social Action.
- A historical review of social work in India and abroad. The philosophy of Social Work
and its relationship to changing Indian Culture. Professional and ethical values of Social
- Government – Professional – Voluntary work in the various fields of Social Work practice
APPSC Extension Officer Syllabus 2024
To fill 109 vacant posts of the extension officer, the recruitment crew will hire worthy and skillful applicants. Therefore, the higher authorities will conduct written exams which will be followed by an interview. At the first step, the aspirants have to crack the exam with secure marks to become eligible for the interview. Based on the performance of the applicants the final merit list will be prepared after the completion of all the screening rounds.
APPSC Supervisor Prelims Syllabus

Home Science & Social Work Syllabus
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Child Development
- Social Work.
APPSC Extension Officer Mains Exam Syllabus

To get the jobs of APPSC Extension Officer, the applicants have to face very tough competitions. So, the individuals need to take the best preparation. Make an effective study plan for taking preparation. Go through the below-provided tabula, to know the APPSC Extension Officer Syllabus & Test Pattern of the APPSC EO Exam 2024.
Important link
APPSC Extension Officer Hall Ticket 2024 | Click Here |
APPSC Extension Officer Results 2024 | Click Here |
About the AP PSC EO Exam Study Materials
For a simple, easy and effective study plan you can follow the provided preparation tips. The contenders who are getting confused from where to start preparation may also go through the below-pointed guidelines.
- At first download the pdf of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Extension Officer Exam Syllabus & APPSC EO Test Pattern 2024.
- Go through the entire APPSC Extension Officer Syllabus and test pattern to understand the structure of the exam.
- Estimate the subjects that the exam contain. Know the pattern of the question paper.
- Thereafter, make a schedule for taking preparation.
- According to your requirement practice the concepts.
- After taking preparation, revise the topics regularly.
- Furthermore, the candidates can also practice the previous year model question papers for the best result.
Download Link of the Syllabus in PDF format – Click here.
If you have anything to say regarding the updated APPSC Extension Officer Syllabus 2024, comment below.
The only language that will be spoken during the APPSC Extension Officer examination is English.
The APPSC Extension Officer examination has a total of 300 points available to be earned.
There are a total of four subjects that are included in the curriculum, and they are General Studies, Mental Ability, Home Science, and Social Work respectively.
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