Law Clerk (Trainee) Vacancy in Allahabad High Court & Lucknow Bench

High Court of Judicature at Allahabad has released official advertisement about the recruitment of Law Clerk (Trainee). The vacancy will be filled up for Allahabad Allahabad High Court Recruitment and Lucknow Bench. Details about the recruitment of Law Clerk and eligibility details has been given below. The information has been taken from the official advertisement notification adv 01/law clerk (trainee) /16 published on
Details of the post:
Law Clerk Trainee in establishment of High Court, Allahabad / Lucknow Bench.
95 vacancy has been declared for the Law Clerk (trainee) in Allahabad / Lucknow Bench of the High Court. Category wise vacancy break up list has been given on their official advertisement.
Educational Qualification Required:
Eligibility for Law Clerk – Candidates must have done 3 years professional or 5 years integrated degree in Law from any recognized college with at least 55% marks in their LLB exam. The final year LLB candidates can also apply for the posts. Those who have started practice as advocate and working with any Allahabad High Court Recruitment other service or vocation are not eligible for the post.
They should also possess computer knowledge like data processing skills and others.
Important Dates of Recruitment:
Last date of application form receipt –
Salary Structure:
The recruited Law Clerk Trainee will get consolidated amount or fixed salary of Rs 12,500. They will not be entitled to any other allowances or anything like the regular permanent employee.
Selection Process / Exam Pattern:
Candidates will be selected on the basis of Interview after screening of the applications submitted.
Age Limit:
Lower Limit = 21 years.
Upper Limit = 26 years.
Age will be calculated as on 1-07-2024. Relaxation in upper age limit will be given to the reserved category candidates.
Exam Fee:
Rs 300 is required to pay by all candidates.
How to Apply:
Those who are willing to apply for the Trainee Law Graduate have to buy the application form from the counter of High Court of Judicature at Allahabad and its Lucknow bench. Otherwise it may be Allahabad High Court Recruitment downloaded from the official website and fee is to be paid through bank draft of Rs 300 payable at prescribed branch. The filled up form should be sent to the registrar general of the Allahabad High Court along with the other documents. Mark sheet of their LLB will be required to be submitted during their interview process.
- Official Website: Click to go.
- Download notification: Download From Here.
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